Things that are right

You know there is a difference between brick laying and block laying ya?

To be a senior club footballer you have to be tough and strong, you took 2 weeks to get used to carrying blocks. :rolleyes:

True, that right, You actually have to do a different Fas course for brick laying as opposed to block laying. Big difference there in fairness.

What you on about. We had a teleporter for those menial tasks. Maybe the Cork football team needs more blocklayers though?

You were talking about block laying, and then you changed to brick laying, so its hard to keep up with your lies.

Members of the Cork team fell trees everyday for a living boy.

tremendous banter on this thread. Just further proof of ny importance to this forum.

Who’s this gimp?

KIB Man must have got a second login

It seems that his commute home from work is 53 minutes, approximately 45 minutes longer than Art Foley’s commute.

:lol: Are you actually so retarded that you dont realise when building a house that both blocks and bricks are used? Actually dont even answer that question, you are the definition of a retard which has never been in doubt

Felling trees is part of their training? Perhaps if they were to concentrate less on being big and strong and more on having the moral courage as Gilesy would say to show for the ball and shoot under pressure they might have a few medals to go with their Creatine shakes.

As a complete aside this is good news. History will judge Harney’s stint in Health favourably imo.


espcially clint eastwood westerns

especially The Outlaw Josie Wales

It will in my hole. Private, for profit healthcare is immoral IMO. Tax breaks for private hospitals were given left, right and centre. Harney’s choice, not alone mind you but with the full backing of Ahern, McCreevy and Cowen, was to try and move Ireland towards an American style health system. Fuck up the public system so everybody has no choice but to take out private health insurance. She failed to take on the consultants, she completely caved in in fact. Micheal Martin’s tenure looks like a golden age in retrospect. If you want a healthcare system where the rich get better access to treatment simply because they can pay then Harney has been a good minister. I don’t agree with that at all. I think it’s a disgrace.

“dyin aint much of a livin boy” :smiley:

What you on about? They are selling VHI which is good. The State shouldnt be subsidising private health insurance. It’s an absolutely mad concept and a total conflict of interest. VHI has been an awful burden on the State and selling it off needs to happen. Expect serious job cuts as an organisation it is bloated and inefficient. The private health insurance market is bound to get a whole lot more competitive as a result which is good for consumers.

Re Harney’s tenure I think she has achieved a good bit. Ive worked with public Health orgs in two different countries and its a very difficult environment to actually get things gone. Ireland is no different. Its a very emotive sector naturally with a huge media spotlight and unbelievable politicking. So that has to be taken into context. I admired her for having the balls for wanting the job in the first place too.

Harney faced down the pharmacists who were holding consumers to ransom for years. The new system of public cancer care with the regional centres was implemented on her watch. I’m pretty sure she was the one who opened up Medicine places for those that dont get the ridiculous 600 points approx required. I know its only a small step but the problem with the consultants, doctors etc is that there is so few of them that naturally they can hold the whole system to ransom. You open the doors and basic supply and demand economics will dictate the terms of contracts you can offer them can change back in the State’s favour. would have liked to have seen her reform the HSE more but I think she has made her presence felt with the various health lobbies whose primary interest is selfish and not in the interests of the State.

Giving tax breaks to private hospitals I’m not sure I agree with but I can see the rationale behind it. Naturally it brings jobs and people will always be willing to pay a bit extra for top class care. I would advocate a universal health care model for Ireland I think its scandalous that there isnt but with the state of the public finances unfortunately that is a long way down the road.

I’m afraid I have to disagree with you KIB.

The crux of this is very simple. Do you believe in access to good health care as a right? I do. Selling off the VHI will raise premiums and basically deprive the poorer sections of our society of good healthcare. You can argue about the bloated ineffectiveness of the organisation all you want but once cash is the bottom line services suffer. Care suffers. Richer people will be able to pay for better protection but the poor won’t. Look at the scumbags at Quinn who deliberately make it difficult to claim and you will see the future of healthcare in Ireland.

Sorry this is probably totally incoherent as I’m fucking dying but

Yes I’m all for access to public health care as a right. Our half arsed public private mish mash is not working. Like for the past three years I’ve had access to universal health care in the form of the NHS in the UK and Medicare in NSW and its the only way to go. I despise the US system and agree about Quinn being scumbags. A mate of mine was smashed to bits in a car crash over here a few weeks ago. He is illegal but with an Irish passport he still gets free medical care. If that was the US he would probably be facing a bill of 250k.

But I think there should be universal health care for all aswell as having the option to subscribe to private health if you want. Universal health care would also cut costs in other ways as often people are too frightened to go back to work if they lose their medical cards etc. But it would be some battle to implement it and finance it. I dont think you can blame Harney for not implementing universal health care as there isnt the political will to do it in the country. FG are proposing to implement a system similar to the Dutch one if they get in. We will see if they do.

But I cant see how selling of VHI will raise premiums. Its a separate issue really though. VHI distort the private health market as they are a semi state organisation. Once they are sold and the risk equalisation thing is sorted out (good chance govt will fuck this up) it should make for a better market for private health care and premiums should come down. We cant stop private healthcare and there will always be a demand for it.

The bolded part there interested me, and i didn’t know she opened up for others outside the 600 points brigade to do medicine, thats great news. I feel there is alot more to being a top doctor GP or consultant or whatever) than just being “smart” or able to eat the books or doing it because mummy wants you to do it. Obviously the person will have to be hard working, and smart, but just because they don’t get a ridiculous amount of points shouldn’t preclude them from becoming a doctor.

I honestly don’t know much about health insurance, as its either been paid for me by company or family depending on my age, or i simply don’t have it, which is the case now.

But i do know about the pharmacists, well a little anyway. I was dealing with a guy who owns a chain of them for work around the time the cuts were being made. He actually showed me his accounting system, gave me great detail about how they made money etc. I had a few long conversations with the guy. Really he just wanted to vent to someone, and i was around, but from everything he told me, and the “possible” money he would lose. How it was going to affect the older people only came up once. The thing running through my head after a while was “This fella and his ilk are the greediest cunts around” FACT. :angry:

yeah there is an entrance exam for medicine now for those that dont get the points. It is still pretty hard to get in though but its something. Naturally the consultants etc were against it. I found in Galway that a good proportion of the medical students were foreign too. Again it suited the college because they would be paying tuition fees but it also suits the consultants again as the majority of the foreign students would fuck off back to wherever they come from once they are qualified. Keep the circle small and it will stay golden is their motto.

There is another way to become a doctor of course. Pay the college of surgeons how many k they require and become one, wasnt that how Leinster got in Contepomi?. No need for any points as far as I know. Would be an interesting study to see if there was any significant difference in the quality of doctor produced.

Mate of mine is a pharmacist. He did a post grad in Bristol and has been rolling it in since. It’s a racket and a half. He used get boozed up and sleep in. Since a pharmacy cant open unless a qualified pharmacist is on the premises he used take the piss altogether. They would order taxis for him to make it in. By all accounts chemists dont even make the most margins on the drugs either. He said you would be surprised how many gimps buy lynx and shampoo at twice what Tesco charge. If Harney wanted to do the dog on it altogether she could have brought forward legislation that would let the likes of Aldi sell drugs. I suspect she may have made this known at the time. The golden times for pharmacists may be coming to an end thankfully.

hon the clon