Things That Are Wrong

Just like the NFL, @Fran will be hearing the appeal. It’s simply too important for him to recuse himself.


Well what would you think ? When I’m on here posting

@Fran is the chairman of the TFKAC so your goosed here, BB.

What’s this?

TFK Appeals Committee.




I know Fagan. Still it was an epic evening. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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Chance would be a fine thing. Havent been to a night club since my eldest was born. Shes now nearly 14

Uber is about half the price of a taxi in America. Pricing model in Ireland (über car was a taxi) is pretty much same price as a taxi.

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Forever in our Shadow. :white_check_mark:

In off peak times. In peak times it can be a multiple of the cost of a taxi. It’s a demand algorithm that dictates price.
It’s illegal in Ireland to charge over the meter rate so they just give a 10% discount on the fare at all times.

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Illegal to charge over meter rate if a taxi. Other countries Uber cars are generally not taxis as it is not considered a taxi service. Yeah the surge pricing can get expensive but most of time it is much cheaper and you know if surge applies before you book it.

Uber is losing money hand over fist I see.

They’re doing Trojan work over beyond, here. And what’s better is they’re getting taking to court for regulation infringements and getting charges dropped.

Up the Uber.

I’d expect a tech savy type such as yourself to understand that losing money goes with the territory when you are growing like that.

Within reason. €400 odd million and growing in operating losses is not really a sound business model though

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Have a cleaner that comes round once a fortnight. She keeps eating my food :rage::rage::rage:

She took a Kit Kat today :rage::rage::rage:

It was Pita Bread and half a bottle of vinegar last time. She also used/took half a bottle of Fairy. I’m seething at this behaviour.

You know she’s having naps in your bed as well?


Half a bottle of vinegar :sweat_smile: