Things That Are Wrong

Great album fagan, one of my favourites , 1979 great tune

Not for me kid. It’s a present.

I’m going to an event tonight that this lady will almost certainly be at and she will completely and utterly blank me again, this time in public and it will be very embarrassing for me and I am not looking forward to it one bit.

Will there be many there, Fagan? Why don’t you take the option of blanking you away from her by approaching her? Perhaps use some of the majestic lines/quips provided to Dunph on the ‘girls’ thread last week.

Fart and blame her, thereby making her a social pariah. Then she’ll need you to talk to her.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 102162”]

I’m going to an event tonight that this lady will almost certainly be at and she will completely and utterly blank me again, this time in public and it will be very embarrassing for me and I am not looking forward to it one bit.[/quote]
Tackle it head on fagan, go in full steam conversation, corner her, and then step away when shes in mid reply.

Staff in Abercrombie and Fitch wearing fucking sandals. At the start of December!!!

every fuckin’ farmer in the country drawing dole and neglecting personal hygiene

The major tax saving in the budget coming from getting rid of PRSI allowance, affecting people equally, rather than targeted tax increases -the reason being so that Enda can keep his promise not to increase taxes.

I was delighted with the queens visit.While the watching world saw drink and drug addled skangers causing havoc in Dublin the whole world was left with a lasting impression that Cork is a place where the visitor will get charmed to death. :clap: :pint:

We did a lot more than the Dubs who placidly allowed the brits to use their city as a base to rule ireland from for 800 years.Indeed i will always see Dublin as some former administration office for the british empire.They were crushed and enslaved by the brits and used as cheap jonies by their british overlords as a gateway for the oppression of this nation.That’s their shame not mine. :ireland: :cool: :pint: :pint:

I don’t think Dublin as a ‘city’ existed before the ‘Brits’ mate.

You ridiculous cunt.

Dole gets means tested. How do you suppose any reasonable farmer would get through a means test?

I doubt its true for the dole, but they manage to get the college grants by buying a load of machinery in the run up to college years thus artificially deflating the farms accounts

And a farmer would buy machinery he didn’t need? come on ta fuck.

Most farmers are drug dealers.


In Eastern Burma… yes mate.

If he needs to replace equipment he just waits until its in the audited period you simpleton.
I know this happens for a fact because a lad I lived with in college benefited from the scam despite owning massive tracts of land

So how he is dodging tax, his equipment needs replacing. If he doesn’t replace it surely he can’t run his business?

‘Massive tracts’ of land are just an illiquid asset. It takes hard work and equipment to make an income from them.