Things That Are Wrong

The level of kow-towing by AFR refugees to the opinions of “smiley post builders” such as Flano and TASE is staggering.
The opinion makers here are the likes of (fill in suggestions).

I’m posting this here because of the discussion on Christmas jumpers but it should be in the ttar thread

fucking splendid :clap:
how did you meet this lady puke?
did you call around to an appartment building where you knew the service was on offer or did you have her number saved from a card or something that they would be leaving around the place on atms?

we really need to get a thread going here on escort services, strip clubs ratings and places to go etc. Thraw could you start one up?

I was told there were a couple of knocking shops down in a certain part of the City. I passed one one day and it had blacked out windows but a big neon sign that said Sauna, so putting 2 and 2 together I presumed that was one of them. I had a friend of mine from Armagh was down for the night and in the cab home he asked me did I know any brothels about the place, I wasn’t too pushed but said I would take him to one for the craic.

Went in and there is just like an empty shell of a room with some security camera and another big reinforced door with a doorbell on it which you have to ring to gain access

Why are Protestants immeasurably better farmers than Catholics? Lad on the news talking about alternative energy sources on his farm was clearly a Prod. You can be sure any farmer launching a new farmhouse cheese will be a prod.

There was a cunt in the pub on Friday wearing a Christmas jumper which said ‘12 pubs of Chistmas’ on the front and had a list of ‘rules’ on the back.

spotted a few of them last weekend. what sort of a cunt would wear such a garment?

:lol: Ya English produce is widely sought after alright.

especially in cork :lol:

Protestant work ethic

Prodestant farms are usually spotless as well not a thing out of place

Who wears contact lenses or carries £80 worth of them around in his pocket. :lol:

It is a long story. I went to town last Sunday morning to buy them as I was running low so bought three months worth. I ended up going for a few curers and ended up half steamed and left them behind me. Went back there after the nightclub Friday night and they gave them to me as I was leaving. Hence how I ended up with them in the brothel

Fuck me. That’s bad.

Still pissed from last night and at work. This is going to be a long week

Thinly veiled “She blew my lights out”…Puke in a wake-up call scenario…

The battery on the iPhone. It’s nearly gone and I only charged it fully this morning.

How are you feeling now mate?


i trust you have a taskkiller and know all the little tricks to increase battery life