Things That Are Wrong

The mane evening news

Consumers only noticed a problem when they found a black type meat in the burgers, seems an apprentice made the mistake that caused all this. He should have known there was horses meat in there as the meat bounced.

I thought to myself there was surely some mistake when Tesco were advertising their burgers as containing added Cabernet Sauvignon. I’d never heard of wine flavoured burgers before, now it all makes sense.

I was going to whip up a few burgers for dinner tomorrow. Think I might weigh up my options after today’s news

Latest prices

Tesco burger 100/30
The field 100/1

Might have a barbecue tomorrow night and chance a few of these, they say you can cook them in all weather.

I’d carry out an early morning inspection just to be sure

Tasty and Kempton food at Supermacs

Mixed reports coming out from people who have ate these. I heard one person felt jolly after eating them while another neeed a NAP. Be warned though, you may need a tic-tac afterwards to get rid of the bad breath.

Make sure they’re good to firm before giving the go ahead

They’ll filly-ou up

Sid Waddel in heaven with all these pun opportunities, in fairness he is well schooled in the art. Others not so much and they are having a mare.

Epsom Tesco burgers earlier & they tasted good in places.

Despite protestations by the meat industry that these are not Irish produced burgers, I can confirm that the horses involved were in fact inbread beside Lough Neigh.

Christ above. :lol:

[quote=“The Dunph, post: 102854”]

Christ above. [/quote]

This isn’t is the Ffos or Las time this has happened either.

So there was nothing untoward listed on the packaging? I hope they’re not selling these to nurseries.


Aintreeally gone on the idea of eating them myself.

A Goodman picture.

Coming to a butcher near you soon.

Could stirrup a lot of trouble for the Irish meat industry.