Things That Are Wrong

Letting your son play cricket.

Only if he’s very good at it, which he is.

putting up on FB - ‘see you in june son’ with associated timeline. wife is pregnant and they have had sex of foetus confirmed evidently.

I know they are excited, first child etc, but that is beyond wrong really

Oh thats pretty fucking wrong alright. Unfriend him now, he’s the kind of cunt who’ll be posting about the colour of the kids shit.

I tweeted something earlier about cyclists using the road as a cycling track and a bunch of faggot cyclists are having a pop at me now :lol:

Don’t you know your highway code?

Silly little bint here beside me genuinly upset that its not snowing…


I had to delete it, a flood of shit coming at me.

[quote=“Flano, post: 102947”]Don’t you know your highway code?

I had to delete it, a flood of shit coming at me.[/quote]
:lol: Any chance of your tweet making it to the freaks on Broadsheet?

Ah Flano, you bottled it.

Cyclist 1 - 0 Flano

Cyclists are a bunch of cocky cunts.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using TFK App.

My phone was going off every couple of minutes Bando. I cant be having that. I’ll have to get in touch with Jeremy Clarkson to fight the good fight.

If cycling is so good for you, why are most of the people you see doing it fat cunts? Bate into some lycra top that only goes half way down their belly. Cycling 3 a breast on the main road. Fuck off.


Embarrassing climbdown for you.

Walking around the office with their balls hanging out telling you they cycled to Moate and back on Saturday yet they’re still 3 stone overweight and the most boring person you’ve ever talked to. Fuck off. Die. Cunt.


rocko - you need to split these conversation into a new thread titled “They deserve a thread of their own…cyclist cunts”

Mountain walkers.

4 of them killed in an avalanche in Scotland and 3 had to be rescued from a mountain in Ireland over the weekend. Same shit happens everytime there’s bad weather. Are they all a bit dim, or what?

Getting your cyber arse kicked by a bunch of wankers that wear tights and cycle bikes.

Flano needs to man up.