Things That Are Wrong

Kerry Co Councillors back motion (by Cllr Danny Healy-Rae) calling for permit system to allow rural drivers to drink and drive in moderation. Cllr Healy-Rae says rural dwellers have fewer transport links than urban residents - and should be allowed to drive after ‘2 or 3’ drinks.

Sky Sports & Pochettino the new Southampton managers interview just there, why was it scripted? His interpreter was clearly reading the answers to the interviewees questions off a sheet of paper. :rolleyes:

This will get the full support of The Spots



Great idea.

Discovery History.

Last program shown was called American Pickers, now i have Storage Wars. :rolleyes:

History me bollix. :guns:

Jaysus that’s a long scroll down Harry. You must have been rightly bored.

I use]@RoccoSportswear for all my cycling gear. And you should too. Ireland’s premier cycling kit provider.

:o :o

“The motion from Councillor Danny Healy-Rae was passed this afternoon 5 votes to 3 with the remainder of the 27 councillors either absent from the vote or abstaining.”

What the fuck is going on in this country?

Chicken “production”

Had a good chuckle when I heard that in the car this evening-a banana republic with no bananas. Yerra he’s a good parish man. :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :ireland: :ireland: :wink: :clap: :clap:

I fully endorse Rocco for cycling gear. Class apparel

[quote=“Locke, post: 102971”]I use @RoccoSportswear for all my cycling gear. And you should too. Ireland’s premier cycling kit provider.

:o :o

:clap: :clap: :clap: :ireland: :ireland: :wink: :clap: :clap:

I fully endorse Rocco for cycling gear. Class apparel[/quote]

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Are these the lads that got Flano too…sad to see a TFK legend sell out so readily…for shame bando for shame

Flano folded like a cheap suit

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Grown men watching wrestling! It never ceases to amuse me every time I see those threads bumped.

+1. Freaks.