Things That Are Wrong

Thankless job

You’re getting a bit testy on the abuse being fired at these mentally challenged apes. They shat themselves when they heard Dominic McGlinchey’s name.

What is your view of the Carabinieri Totti?

  • fucking 1. If only a few hard men like Totti et al had joined the force, this country would be a lot better off.

It’s widely accepted that those who have a beef with An Garda Siochana have either got on the wrong side of them through the fault of nobody else or else failed the entrance exam

That’s not true.

Force? :lol:

A despicable organisation loaded with crooked imbeciles. Not really much to do with being a hardman, just general encounters with these arseholes over the years and their sneering arrogance, smart comments and general harassment of the border people. They may not have been viewed with same trepidation as the RUC but they were roundly despised, the few decent people in it usually left or were forced out, much like the sergeant in Castleblaney who refused to take the black flag down during the deaths of the Hunger Strikers. Brain dead goons for backward politicians.

I’d rather die than being one of those cunts.

My pal was in Store Street. He was a different man when he came out of Templemore. A cunt of a fella. Thankfully he came back to us. He hates the Gardai. As he says, the proles think you’re a cunt and your fellow officers and superiors are generally cunts and it’s a no-win situation.

North = good.

South = bad.

Can you bullet point that ball of shite please?

Are you illiterate or just plain dense?

I don’t speak gobshite, that’s probably my issue with it.


You’re an empty vessel and would certainly nail the Garda ineptitude test.

Most of the older lads that you’d meet in the country would be ok, often just want to get on with the job with as little hassle as possible. It’s the younger jumped up fellas trying to prove a point that I don’t like. Recently a grand aul cop retired out of our village, a fella thatd help you out in any way, kept an eye on the old folk, was quick to stop trouble before it started and all without fuss. His replacement arrived about 2 months ago. Robocop is only trotting after this cunt, issuing threats to mass goers, bothering aul bachelors about dog licenses, doing lads for tax ffs.

What height are you totti?

Oink, Oink.

As I suspected. Thanks.

Its an extemely well paid job and you can retire on a decent pension in your 50s if you are that way inclined.
That is their thanks.

You may not understand “gobshite” (whatever the fuck that is?) but you don’t seem to have any problem understanding pig.

Exactly youd think they were gettin paid pennies the way some lads go on, 99.9% of them join for the money and perks {no parking/speeding tickets ever and usually no car tax} and nothing else,their not patriots or heros no matter what any of them say