Things That Are Wrong

the romans are welll known for arse stabbing, not being manly enough to either face their foe or use fists. typical wop behaviour

Totti, how will the Irish fans fare later tonight with the ladies of Rome? Do they like Heineken drinking, freckled head cunts that wear their collars up ?

In Italy, the national rogbee football team is a figure for derision, so they certainly won’t be entertaining equivelant fat, pasty-skinned (in this case) wankers from a backward country.

Sweet merciful Jesus, everyone associated with this needs to be garroted. Wrong doesn’t cover this kind of shite

As bad as the Irish Independent’s website relaunch was, I think the Irish Times have trumped it in the last couple of weeks.

They have inexplicably tried to match the images at the expense of content strategy that the Indo copied from the Daily Mail. Have they no appreciation of how they had any readership in the first place? And I find it truly appalling how the header logo changes when you navigate away from the front page. You can’t even see what the main story is. Dreadful stuff.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 749239, member: 1”]As bad as the Irish Independent’s website relaunch was, I think the Irish Times have trumped it in the last couple of weeks.

They have inexplicably tried to match the images at the expense of content strategy that the Indo copied from the Daily Mail. Have they no appreciation of how they had any readership in the first place? And I find it truly appalling how the header logo changes when you navigate away from the front page. You can’t even see what the main story is. Dreadful stuff.[/quote]

Was going to post this during the week, it is terrible…

The live parade coverage has been relegated to RTÉ News Now. I suppose we’re “too cool” for flowerboxes on the back of tractors now.

Women’s rugby.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 749239, member: 1”]As bad as the Irish Independent’s website relaunch was, I think the Irish Times have trumped it in the last couple of weeks.

They have inexplicably tried to match the images at the expense of content strategy that the Indo copied from the Daily Mail. Have they no appreciation of how they had any readership in the first place? And I find it truly appalling how the header logo changes when you navigate away from the front page. You can’t even see what the main story is. Dreadful stuff.[/quote]
It is bloody awful, can’t get my head around it at all. The Guardian would be more my template for an online paper.

you must be the biggest dickhead that has ever posted on this forum - just because you live in a colony doesnt mean that you have to ape how people in the mother country live

some mick living in industrial NSW reading a fuckin liberal english newspaper-Ive heard it all now - you sicken me you vile heinous cunt

Those people at the airport waiting to greet the returning womens rugby football team singing “come on you girls in green.” Wrong.

What a bunch of fucking retards. And the supporters too.

Absolute Simpletons.

I see the papers giving it the…“these players are amateurs, have day jobs and earn a fraction of what their male professional counterparts do” guff today too.

Now I despise rugby football but that angle is fucking ridiculous.

The way the female athletes in this country are shaming their shiftless male counterparts.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 749239, member: 1”]As bad as the Irish Independent’s website relaunch was, I think the Irish Times have trumped it in the last couple of weeks.

They have inexplicably tried to match the images at the expense of content strategy that the Indo copied from the Daily Mail. Have they no appreciation of how they had any readership in the first place? And I find it truly appalling how the header logo changes when you navigate away from the front page. You can’t even see what the main story is. Dreadful stuff.[/quote]
Fucking hell it is bad. Is this the masterplan to get around the pay wall issue? Make the website so bad that people will stop using it and just go back to buying the paper. It is awful.

I had assumed that that was the plan alright. The fact I’m strongly considering starting to buy it again every day means it must be working. I buy it every Saturday but couldn’t justify shelling out during the week when the content I wanted was freely available.

My new housemate works for the Mail and told me the IT let go two of their key website staff recently.

What I was staggered to learn though is that the shitehawk on the back of the Weekend section, the social diarist, was signed from the Mail. Why did they bother? If you want to read that shite and see pictures of people at events you buy VIP magazine or somesuch. Waste of money.

If I was boss, I’d trim away the fat (does anyone actually read the travel bits of the Magazine? Or give a shit about Conor Pope sampling 5 types of marmalade on a Monday? Or still want to read what that cunt Waters has to say?), copy the Indo tabloid size, reduce the price to €2 and away you go.


:eek: What price is it now thraw? I’ve even stopped buying it on Saturday but think it used to be about €2.50-they hardly charge that during the week do they?

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 749799, member: 129”]I had assumed that that was the plan alright. The fact I’m strongly considering starting to buy it again every day means it must be working. I buy it every Saturday but couldn’t justify shelling out during the week when the content I wanted was freely available.

My new housemate works for the Mail and told me the IT let go two of their key website staff recently.

What I was staggered to learn though is that the shitehawk on the back of the Weekend section, the social diarist, was signed from the Mail. Why did they bother? If you want to read that shite and see pictures of people at events you buy VIP magazine or somesuch. Waste of money.

If I was boss, I’d trim away the fat (does anyone actually read the travel bits of the Magazine? Or give a shit about Conor Pope sampling 5 types of marmalade on a Monday? Or still want to read what that cunt Waters has to say?), copy the Indo tabloid size, reduce the price to €2 and away you go.[/quote]

Good point about Conor Pope. Yesterday he was sampling and rating five types of fish finger. At a guess, I would imagine that the fish finger eating masses are not the Irish Times target demographic,but hey, what do I know.

As it happens Aldi fish fingers got the five stars from Conor and Spar fish fingers got none.