Things That Are Wrong

Fire away, mate.

The whole forum is being split apart over Home & Away V Game of Thrones. Does anyone actually like both, or is that possible?

Can you apply that anybody who posts on the Fantasy NFL thread please? Weirdos.

Home & Away is on the go 25 years and is to this day quality viewing.

I stopped watching Home and Away once they got rid of the hamburger phone from the diner. But my housemate is an avid watcher and over the last 18 months I have steadily eased myself back into watching it, mainly due to the absolute legend that is Brax. Home and Away is a consistently excellent show that deals with real world issues and has some powerful actors. Anyone who cannot appreciate it for the magnificent show that it is is really missing out and they are the real losers in this debate*

  • along with the losers who watch shit like Game Of Thrones

About time you spoke some sense

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 758166, member: 1137”]I stopped watching Home and Away once they got rid of the hamburger phone from the diner. But my housemate is an avid watcher and over the last 18 months I have steadily eased myself back into watching it, mainly due to the absolute legend that is Brax. Home and Away is a consistently excellent show that deals with real world issues and has some powerful actors. Anyone who cannot appreciate it for the magnificent show that it is is really missing out and they are the real losers in this debate*

  • along with the losers who watch shit like Game Of Thrones[/quote]


Hear, hear

The aggressive nature and the lambasting by those lashing out at Game of Throne fans is sickening and speaks volumes about their character.

They have the cheek to make accusations about our sexual behaviour when they readily admit to tuning in to an Ozzie soap to watch some guy called Brax :eek:

Wait, wait, fucking wait!! The poster brax took his username from some fun boy on home and away?!

Ain’t no Brax around here sonny

Hear, hear[/quote]

Tell us more about this Brax character that has ye all wet lads?

You’re wrong boyo, there’s 83 different ones apparently

I fucking wish I shared a name with the legend that is Daryl Braxton. Alas, we will always be separated by one letter on the keyboard.


Wow… Some revelations on this thread tonight… the home and away posse all either have a hard on for a male character in the show, or they wanna be him and then have the gall to give the game of thrones lads abuse.

It’s sad to see fellas climbing over each other, particularly Chewy Louie, to be in Bandage’s camp. Who knew it would turn out to be band camp and they are all flute players.

I have never watched Home and Away, I cannot understand why grown men would. Game of thrones looks like something a 12 year old dweeb would watch. American football is not a sport.
Wrestling? Huh?
Now the people who watch this stuff are fighting over whats better. It doesn’t bother me that the board is clogged up at times with threads about these non entity pursuits. Its quite simple, I don’t open those threads, partly for fear of what I’ll find, but more so because they hold no interest for me. Simples. I don’t bother the fans of this shite, they don’t bother me, everyone’s a winner.

But please desist from clogging up this noble thread with this shit, Fuck off back to your own threads, or start an “Official inhouse shite pursuits fighting thread”.

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 758223, member: 236”]I have never watched Home and Away, I cannot understand why grown men would. Game of thrones looks like something a 12 year old dweeb would watch. American football is not a sport.
Wrestling? Huh?
Now the people who watch this stuff are fighting over whats better. It doesn’t bother me that the board is clogged up at times with threads about these non entity pursuits. Its quite simple, I don’t open those threads, partly for fear of what I’ll find, but more so because they hold no interest for me. Simples. I don’t bother the fans of this shite, they don’t bother me, everyone’s a winner.

But please desist from clogging up this noble thread with this shit, Fuck off back to your own threads, or start an “Official inhouse shite pursuits fighting thread”.[/quote]

Game of Thrones has a rating of 18+. Home and Away is targeted at puberty-hitting teenagers.

You watched an episode of Game of Thrones the other night to get psyched up ahead of the Rome derby. :smiley:


What do you want mac, do you want blood, is that what you fucking want? Is it?