Things That Are Wrong

You fucking dweeb. That’ll be taken into consideration every single time you post about normal activities. Weirdo.

This coming from a guy who likes watching men in panties, roleplaying and jumping on top of each other as they roll around sweating.


Bandage doesn’t like Rugby Football

These men are topless.

And they role-play.

Back on to the topic of the thread.

Mac lashing out at forum members because Fooley is banging his wife.

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 758583, member: 1052”]Back on to the topic of the thread.

Mac lashing out at forum members because Fooley is banging his wife.[/quote]


it is inherently wrong and sad that other posters try to join in on private jokes that are relevant only to certain posters.

some examples:

TASE and Art have something going on where TASE is questioing Art’s qualifications, it looks pretty ridculous and lame then for anyone to use this as an attempt at banter against Art,
A similar situation applies to Mac.
TASE, Bandage and Art know Mac and take the piss out of him as according to them he has a big nose, is a prod and has issues with male erectile dysfunction. They enjoy this banter and bring it to the forum for the entertainmenet of others,be it true of just heresay. Its pretty sad then for other posters who dont know Mac and have never seen his FB page to start making quips like “Mac nose what he is saying…” etc when they have no clue what they are talking about…its stinks of desperation in posting to be clinging on to the end of someone else’s joke

The first 2 paragraphs of Gerry Thornleys article on the front page of the Times sports section today.

The type of people who read Gerry Thornley articles.

throw up a synopsis there if you have a chance

Article here

Original headline was Leinster have more points to make as they enter the Lions den.

[quote=“Mac, post: 758603, member: 109”]Article here

Original headline was Leinster have more points to make as they enter the Lions den.[/quote]
Second paragraph contains the infuriating use of “auld” which is gaining popularity in Ireland instead of “oul” which has always been the usage here. Auld is Scottish and archaic and has no historic or current place in Hiberno-English.

Cycling Ireland nominating Pat McQuaid for a third term as President of the UCI.

Ffs thought they would nominate Rocheee

Cycling Ireland surprising no one here. What a shameful shower of cunts they are.

What is it with fucking tools looking to get their photo taken with Gardai on nights out? Extremely wrong carry on, Gardai are there to be abused & laughed at as opposed to posing with.

Clongriffin. Difficult to believe that Councils paid people to be planners when you see this modern day slum. The Marrsfield part is unbelievable, six or seven blocks of apartments set amidst rolling farm land with no shops, services or amenities. Of course the main part has that modern day mark of distinction " A Gannon Development". The cunt.