Things That Are Wrong

No I’m grand now, thanks. I’d hate to think of you mucking up a cv or something important with poor grammar.

Why don’t you do what real Italians like Totti do and buy your pasta this way

People who think it is ok not to wash or wear clean clothes to work. :mad:

People who champion the production of their own pasta but who are in reality purchasing overpriced supermarket pasta.

I think it has been said on here before but people collecting for asthma is wrong. I’m all for giving to cancer, depression etc but fucking asthma?!

hmm agree on asthma also cancer. Depression not so sure.

I[quote=“Rintintin, post: 764618, member: 207”]hmm agree on asthma also cancer. Depression not so sure.[/quote]
I agree. I can’t see the few bob you’d collect being enough to cheer the poor depressed devils up.

I was just charged €5.70 for a pint bottle of cider

That’s standard. It regularly hits 6+

I’m well jel.

Wtf? That’s massively wrong.

Paid 6.70 in temple bar one night. My own fault for being there I suppose

I hope she was worth it

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 764313, member: 1537”]Why don’t you do what real Italians like Totti do and buy your pasta this way[/quote]

That’s unfair.

Fellas that closed Waterford crystal going to the European courts to get Irish tax payers to line their pockets

Fair play to them boys. What is wrong though is that the poxy government never put anything in place to protect pensions when they were told. If they had of done that then it wouldn’t be the tax payer picking up the bill.

6 quid for a pint of peroni in the bank last weekend

Im sure theres a joke somewhere between charging an arm and a leg and charlie chawke

Na, government shouldn’t have to pick up the bill for a failed private enterprise. I’ve already thought of a scam to exploit it

You mightn’t like but it is still the governments fault for not introducing legislation to protect pensions like they were told. If they had of done what they were told to do it wouldn’t have come to this.

Also it’s not fair for the workers to put money into a pension for all their working life only to get nothing at the end of it because there was no laws to stop the company from dipping into it.

What’s the point in paying into a pension when there is no guarantee that you at least get what you put in back?:slight_smile:

[quote=“tazdedub, post: 764816, member: 312”]You mightn’t like but it is still the governments fault for not introducing legislation to protect pensions like they were told. If they had of done what they were told to do it wouldn’t have come to this.

Also it’s not fair for the workers to put money into a pension for all their working life only to get nothing at the end of it because there was no laws to stop the company from dipping into it.

What’s the point in paying into a pension when there is no guarantee that you at least get what you put in back?:)[/quote]

From my understanding they didn’t put it in. Union negotiated a savage deal on wages & pension which ultimately caused the Company to fail. Lads doing semi skilled labour getting paid like they invented the wheel is unsustainable