Things That Are Wrong

Fucking Unions. :mad:

Both are to blame here. The unions for destroying the company with unreasonable pay and conditions, the company management for agreeing to these conditions and then the government for being shit legislators and not protecting people’s pensions and introducing strong company law. Aer lingus and bank of Ireland are up to the same shit by not putting money into the pension schemes.

I’m looking forward to a hundred euro of my taxes bailing out the union workers who ran a fine company into the ground by thinking it was the goose that kept on laying. In fairness with 300 million heading their way from you and me, they weren’t wrong.

Agree totally, they have a major problem with this here in WA. People leaving school early an quoting college to go work in the mines where a cleaner can earn can earn 1500 dollars a week and truck drivers 2k. It’s very unbalanced. When the mines slow down and these people have to go back to regular life there will be a massive backlash. They don’t promote saving at all here in WA. Most of these people are going there but spending huge sums if money in buying shit they don’t need or can’t afford in reality.

Now I suppose they can come back and go to college when older if they want, but nevertheless it creates major unbalances. College here now also is heading to US costs.

  • I suspect Rocko will be along shortly to tell me I’m be Un-Socalist. But of course he is smart enough to realize that I’m not.

The college situation here is crazy - people ending up with 50k of debt before they start a job

In regards to the mines- if that ever goes tits up God help them.

Ill be glad ill be long gone from this shithole and these cunts by the time that happens though

Whats the next boom country you’re going to leech off Raven?

whats your fuckin problem

Why does fisty think your a leech mate?

I think he is jealous that I moved to sunny Qld and he moved to the industrial central belt of NSW. He doesnt want to come out and say that so makes up shit to attack me with

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 764892, member: 80”]The college situation here is crazy - people ending up with 50k of debt before they start a job

Colleague in Boston has 2 sons in University. 150k of debt each by the time colllege will be complete.

Stateside there is a load of people with 100k’s + of debt for fucking ART, yes ART degrees. I read a very interesting article about this lately, comparing Ze German model to the USD one. The Germans train their workforce for industry etc. no degrees just apprenticeships, right job.

The value of a college degree is Zero these days, especially in Ireland. We were hiring for a young lad recently and every CV had a masters, they were all working menial labour jobs to keep them going. You come out of a masters with very unrealistic expectations of earnings as well. The way we are going and in a few more years a masters won’t mean shit either.

That’s crazy.

I hope about 75K of that went on Spring Breaks?

That’s crazy yo,I worked with a lad in the states who also had two daughters in MIT cost him 75k each the poor auld fucker was fucked but he couldn’t afford to retire

Yeah, same with this fella, shoving up on 60 and pulling in a serious income but he has to keep on the treadmill for another 5 years.

At least they are paying their way as they go along. I can only imagine the lack of fun I would have had my 20’s with a six figure debt around my neck.

The college loan bust is the next thing to come stateside. It’s fucking insanity

How much is a years tuition in the at the likes of Harvard or MIT?

Did you lads have student loans and pay your own way through college or was it a case of the folks picking up the bill until your education was completed? I had part time jobs which contributed towards day to day to expenses but they would have paid my rent and whatever college fees were applicable* and thrown me some more pocket money too. Though I’m now a very successful international businessman (as evidenced by the number of red eye flights I take per month to places like London) and lavish them with gifts, I sometimes feel quite guilty about the sacrifices they would have made back then.

  • “Free fees” were established by then but there were still college “registration fees” and shit which often came to a few grand per year.

We were poor farmers so I got the ‘grant’. :pint:

In the summer I would have labored on building sites and collect the bones of 5k every summer. That would cover most of the year.

My first loan came at 27 when I started building the house. Fcuk being in debt, it takes alot of joy outta life!