Things That Are Wrong

goddamit, if I knew I was being evaluated I may have put in some race based jokes and smart quips. In fairness, I dont think I could compete with his banterous ways anyway, I’d be too bland to be interviewed, be factual and entertain the audience at the same time.

[quote="Gman, post: 769867,

Definite thing that is wrong though, wouldnt want to witness too many accidents, or anything worse than that.[/quote]
There was a programme on the other night about the rescue service in Ireland. It showed ambulance and fire crews attending a head on collision somewhere in Dublin where 3 young occupants of a car had been thrown onto the road. It was a shocking sight to see the crews working away on them as they lay on the ground describing their various multiple injuries. It’s something that every young driver should be shown before getting behind the wheel, shocking stuff

RTE deeming that Alex Ferguson’s retirement should be lead item on their news.BBC don’t even have it as top story.

+1 a very dependable chap he is

Say what you want about the cunt but his tie is the EXACT right length in that picture.

Is that how long a tie should be?
I don’t feel so bad now

Of course it is, its a photoshoot.


a safe pair of hands

[quote=“The Runt, post: 769947, member: 181”]Is that how long a tie should be?
I don’t feel so bad now[/quote]

Kiss the belt. The point should come below the belt but the points on the side where the tip commences shouldn’t. He’s done it just right the cunt.

WTF Gman? The car wasn’t going too fast but rolled over a few times? Did he drive off a cliff? Also, was he wearing a seat belt or did an airbag not come out? If so, the cunt has a fine claim to make.

This country.

Amen to that pal.

The inner piece seems quite long Brian. Any guidance on the length of that piece or is it just a function of the outer piece and the chosen knot?

It’s merely a function of the chosen knot.

I’m a Windsor knot man myself and you’d rarely get that with a Windsor knot.

If you do find yourself with a long inner piece consider using a tie clip to keep things in order.

Disagree Brian, the point should reach the middle to bottom of the belt, it should not go further than the lowest point of the belt. I’m a half windsor know man myself and never have issues with the inner piece being too long.

Fair play to you GMan, never mind the knockers like Rocko0, they are merely jealous at your humanity, sense of community and swash buckling ways.

Jay - sus, the two boys… :rolleyes:

I’d have to go along with this. It’s fine lines. I thought old red noses tie was a shade too long in the pic.