Things That Are Wrong

Bandage[/USER] & [USER=181]The Runt vindicated[/quote]

But listen to the music… he’s guilty.

Rowdy, rowdy peeper!

What kind of “university student” can’t spell what is a very common Irish surname, especially in the Limerick area?

A UL one.

Not a proper university.

On a bus into Galway City Centre at present… 33 degrees my thermometer tells me. No aircon and no windows to open.

I says to the driver… its a bit warm isnt it. He’s reply was “ya, its cuntish”

:eek: there’ll be some pong off ye when ye get off KP,you goin on the beer

An ad just on Comedy Central for the Irish Independent edition tomorrow which offers advice on how to get on the property ladder :confused:

Hahaha! They’ve been waiting since 2007 to recycle that one again.

Be smart and ballsy?

Property has bottomed out don’t ye know fill your boots

Should I buy, sell, or let?

All of the above mac

All three Mac.

When you see the fear in their eyes, go in and buy all around you.

The ballsy men are all buying up property at the moment. That tells me all I need to know.

yeah, and the girly men are all renting.

But the Germans always rent and surely they know best?

At the same time, how can I pass up a 1 bedroom bedsit just off Pearse St for only 400k?

[quote=“Mac, post: 783016, member: 109”]

At the same time, how can I pass up a 1 bedroom bedsit just off Pearse St for only 400k?[/quote]

I don’t think you can Mac. You really have a nose for a bargain.

I can think of at least 2 posters who’ll give you a Like or similar for that comment.

yeah well , no harm to throw the ball up anyway.

If you’re not balls deep in property, you’re not an alpha male.
