Things That Are Wrong

Go for it man. Then get a bit of twine and hang one up out the back as a warning to the others. It’ll be like game of thrones for you and your girlfriend will think you’re very manly.

She’s normally 7am art. Must be the heat

Do it, take them all out to fuck. Dead crows, lots of them

Why wouldn’t you take a pellet gun to them. They are only crows. Not much above rats

Vemin of the sky. Waste the motherfuckers!

I’m inundated by the hoors here in the heart of the Golden Vale. Between them, Wood Pigeons and the odd bastard starling my Saturday morning rest has been severely hampered.

Mrs. Kremmen is also like a bag of cats due to the above and my bad sinus infection which has led to horrific snoring.

Some people/creatures have no consideration at all…

Unreal numbers of the Corvid cunts at the moment. I’ve reddened the barrels at them earlier in the year without knocking a dent in their numbers.
The time to do damage is when they are rearing young. Don’t shoot the fledglings,they’re the bait, the adults will stay coming in despite the lead you fling skywards at them.
Horrible dirty bastards is all they are.

7.30 usually… must be the heat.

8.30 is a nice time Art. Once our girl gets 11 hours she is done.

Those cunts who just won’t let go of the past and continue to want to march through rival communities in an overtly sectarian manner.

“Our only crime is loyalty.” :rolleyes:

Things have improved so much up there in recent decades and yet every single year these fuckers return still wanting to provoke and incite due to some warped entitlement of walking through the streets of other communities. FOAD. Nothing against the Orange folk who want to go out and get pissed and mind their own business around the 12th.

What Senators O’Domhnaill and Walsh had to say for themselves in the Seanad this week.

The Connacht final
utter pointless muck year on year

[quote=“mickee321, post: 804386, member: 367”]The Connacht final
utter pointless muck year on year[/quote]


[quote=“mickee321, post: 804386, member: 367”]The Connacht final
utter pointless muck year on year[/quote]

Utter garbage.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 804386, member: 367”]The Connacht final
utter pointless muck year on year[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing myself yesterday.

Football is bad enough but Connacht football is dreadful. The battle of the chokers

Two things:

  1. People slurping. Drinks, soup, whatever. It drives me mad.

  2. Not sure if this is wrong but this is the only place I can think of putting it. Shannonside FM does’t separate national news from local news in its bulletins. So the main story may be about Nelson Mandela’s health or a bombing in Iraq and then the next story is about a new ATM in Boyle.

Work tomo :frowning:


Remember the Simpsons episode when the vending machine took homers dollar?? I just had a similar experience! Cunting machine took my money and never gave me my candy, i’m fuming after it!! Bastard machine :mad:

The machine knew better. You don’t need the candy. Be strong.

Irish people who use the word candy instead of sweets. USA wannabes.

Fuck off you auld codger. I’ve lived in America, I am American.