Things That Are Wrong

Anything you would like to talk about, pal? I’ve found TFK a fine platform to offlaod or lash out on. A problem shared is a problem halved…

I’ll elaborate on this matter further- Joe’s fee while he was in LIT was 5k!!

Supermacs 14 times a week isnt cheap mate.

Glad to hear your mickey is back in action pal.


Joe was being sponsored by Supermacs, those snack boxes were free.

It’s the hospital bills from being lamped by fellow county men that are taking the bulk of his money.

Was he giving them a discount then? Has his stock fallen or is it just another casualty of the recession ?

I’d say he was doing his county brethren a favour.

[quote=“Scrunchie, post: 820894, member: 1408”]Bradley Manning - the wiki leaker - jailed for 35 years this morning has announced that he is to undergo hormone treatment therapy and considers himself a female and from now on would like to be referred to as Chelsea Manning.

Probably not the best thing to announce before heading off to prison?!?!?[/quote]
Will he be changing his surname as well? He needs to man up.

Fucking hell, as more details come out this is getting worse and worse, this is really awful. This now makes it sound to me like the girl was drugged and assaulted and I wish to revise my earlier position, this is heartbreaking. The later public humiliation makes the whole event perhaps more traumatic than even a more extreme assault. Also, what group of 8 lads get involved in shit like this and how did no one among the thousands there not realise something was wrong and intervene or report to the police?

Ken Foy Crime Correspondent – 21 August 2013
[SIZE=5] A NEW video has emerged of the teenage girl at the centre of an internet bullying storm – showing her being groped and pushed around by a group of men during the Slane concert.[/SIZE]

The footage was posted on [U]YouTube[/U] yesterday afternoon – but was quickly removed.
The video showed the 17-year-old girl surrounded by up to eight young men who are pushing her around and verbally abusing her as she kisses a young man.
The man who she is kissing is not the same man she was pictured with in a photograph that was posted onto social networking sites on Sunday evening.
The video was removed from YouTube by the website less than an hour after it was posted because it violated the website’s community guidelines.
Sources say gardai got access to the footage before it was removed and it is now part of the detailed investigation.
A source explained: “This latest video is just another disturbing aspect of this sorry situation and gardai continue to make enquiries about the identities of all those men who feature in photos and videos with the girl.
“The course of this investigation very much depends now on what the girl has to say – she and her family are completely devastated over this.”
The teenager made a separate complaint of being sexually assaulted at the concert, which does not relate to the photographs.
The schoolgirl was hospitalised over the weekend, but was discharged yesterday.
The teenager and her family have not returned to her home in the west of Ireland.
She has yet to be formally interviewed by detectives but is expected to make a statement before the end of the week.
A senior source said: “[U]Gardai[/U] will sit down with her and hopefully get as detailed a statement as possible going though everything as far as possible from A to Z that happened her at the concert in Slane last weekend.
“After this has happened the investigation may well be upgraded but of course that all depends on what she has to say – as it stands there still has not been a formal complaint in relation to the internet photos.
“The girl is still in a very vulnerable state and last night was simply not up to being interviewed.”
Gardai are also investigating reports that a west [U]Belfast[/U] teenager was responsible for posting online images of the girl performing a sex act at the Co Meath concert.
Gardai confirmed that they are aware of reports that the man is believed to be from west Belfast and may have been part of a group involved in a public order incident at a service station in Drogheda, Co Louth, before Saturday’s [U]Eminem[/U] gig.
Yesterday, a new video emerged on YouTube of the unfortunate teenager at the concert in which she was surrounded by up to eight young men who are pushing her around and jeering at her as she kisses a young man.
The teenager made a separate complaint of being sexually assaulted at the concert, which does not relate to the photographs.
The 17-year-old sought assistance at a medical tent at the Slane venue on Saturday.
However on Sunday, images of the girl performing a sex act at the concert went viral on the internet and the girl was re-admitted to hospital where she was so distraught that she needed to be sedated before undergoing medical tests.
After these tests were completed she left the hospital with her parents and has been staying at an undisclosed location with her family since.
“This is an absolutely horrible situation and gardai are determined to get to the bottom of it,” a senior source said.

Some fucking horrible shits being raised in this country over the past 15 - 20 years or so.

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 821137, member: 1796”]Joe Canning looking for 4k to open a new field!! -

Brian Cody said he would do it for nothing on the condition that he could bring a bus load of KK kids up for a


Fee for what?

The way to react to this is to channel Coach And Tami Taylor, they would be empathetic and understanding while gently providing practical advice on how to atone and ensure something good came from the mess

Horrible cunts.

Ha ha, Canning you hungry hoor

absolute animals…they don´t give a fuck either… I´d fookin hate to be a cop…i´d say the shit they see is digusting …there´s a drug dealer out in West Dublin who was instead of giving hidings to lads who owed him money, he was rapeing them instead…WTF !!!..

That is sick. He’d get junkie shit all over his dick.

Absent and addict parents. Plus the porn being readily available, that has to be a factor. TV & movies in general. Once weird shit is viewed enough it becomes somewhat acceptable, and those with low morals or the weak and sheepish followers carry out such things thinking they are acceptable.

presume he´d bally up …

this country is morally bankrupt kev…throw in the amount of alcohol consumed by youths in a crowd and its a potential powderkeg…
Its a pity there´s not more like me and you sitting in at the weekends, abstaining from the hooch, and enjoying the internet banter pal…:wink: