Things That Are Wrong

That Athlone case is awful. Extremely strange to be happening in broad daylight like that and how did the children get away etc. Horrible stuff.

Out a window apparently.

I agree completely. However, its too often misused in scenarios like this.

One would think am abductor would make it more difficult than that.

What the fuck happened?

I’d rip the cunts face off with A claw hammer.

It’s something that would eat you up inside if it happened yours.

Seemingly the accused was in the middle of a drinking binge during this incident. Not long out of prison but that crime was of a non sexual nature apparently.

This is sick and disgusting.

These 2 girls will be scarred for life. They were only missed from the house when it came to meal time and there was no sign of them. How this happened I am not sure… Kids of 6 and 9 shouldn’t be out of sight but I could see how it could happen over a short period as some parents are lax enough about their kids whereabouts.

Crowds waiting outside the courthouse.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 839010, member: 686”]Seemingly the accused was in the middle of a drinking binge during this incident. Not long out of prison but that crime was of a non sexual nature apparently.

This is sick and disgusting.

These 2 girls will be scarred for life. They were only missed from the house when it came to meal time and there was no sign of them. How this happened I am not sure… Kids of 6 and 9 shouldn’t be out of sight but I could see how it could happen over a short period as some parents are lax enough about their kids whereabouts.[/quote]

There are some sick cunts out there. Hope he gets what is coming to him, may it contain sugar and hot water.

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 839011, member: 1796”]Crowds waiting outside the courthouse.[/quote]

Heard there was a facebook petition sent around to gather the troops.

I tell you one thing Taz, they couldn’t do anything to him that will ever be greater than the damage he has done to those 2 girls.

The evil cunt.

Agree but things can happen with kids in almost a split second sometimes.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 839018, member: 686”]I tell you one thing Taz, they couldn’t do anything to him that will ever be greater than the damage he has done to those 2 girls.

The evil cunt.[/quote]

KP, there is nothing on earth that you can do to these cunts that will be greater than the damage done to the 2 girls unfortunately. The only thing would be to torture the cunt a different way each day and still that would not be enough.

Shocking situation in Athlone.

Absolutely horrendous, the guilty party (if it transpired as rumoured) was lucky not to be lynched when the two kids escaped and told what happened.

Not sure what a demonstration outside the courthouse will achieve though. The Guards are looking into it, leave them sort it out. Some bint on the RTE News at One saying they want to send a message to Enda Kenny and Alan Shatter that they won’t tolerate this - well who the hell would tolerate this in fairness.

I hate that kind of retarded comment that gobshites on the news always seem to come out with. What the fuck does it have to do with the Government. The guy hasn’t even been charged yet, how could Kenny and Shatter have done anything to warrant a showing of zero tolerance? I swear RTE must seek out these spastics that have no political views beyond “I don’t like the current government”.

Spot on. Serial moaners who will blame the government of the day for everything and anything, irrespective of the circumstances.

Those 150 people must be fairly idle to be able to wait outside a courthouse and garda station on a Monday morning/afternoon.

The Gardai arrested three people and are investigating it, what more do these people want.

The insistence of pseudo-intellectuals in this country to speak about the forthcoming referenda this week.

Referendum is from a Latin gerundive, which was subsequently translated and then converted into a gerund in English. The fact that the English language has made that adaption from adjective to noun, doesn’t then allow us to revert to Latin and stick a Latin-style plural on the end of a noun that was created in the English language.

Referendums, not referenda.

Just seen the protests in Athlone on the News there. Most of them looked like the unemployed single mother, all day pyjama wearing type. In fairness these chicks wouldn’t be the brightest

[quote=“dodgy-keeper, post: 839082, member: 1552”]Spot on. Serial moaners who will blame the government of the day for everything and anything, irrespective of the circumstances.

Those 150 people must be fairly idle to be able to wait outside a courthouse and garda station on a Monday morning/afternoon.

The Gardai arrested three people and are investigating it, what more do these people want.[/quote]
Huge crowd gathered outside the Garda Station in Athlone again this evening apparently, screaming “Let him out”. Photo of the alleged perpetrator also appearing on Twitter.

Who the fuck do these cunts think they are? Most of the ones I seen on the news earlier appeared to be the all-day pyjama wearing, single mother types…I suppose they wouldn’t be the brightest in fairness.

What’s bright got to do with it Jimmy?