Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875332, member: 179”]It gets better, i told him he was just a step away from coming up with cowschwitz and i got this back

Seriously this conversation could go on forever. I think you’re missing the point slightly. Imagine if you will a sweat shop in I don’t know, Malaysia. In this sweat shop they keep abducted poverty stricken women in cages against their will. They artificially inseminate all of these woman. They take away their babies from them at birth. Then they hook up the women to machines for months on end and take as much milk as possible. When the milk is gone they artificially inseminate the women again and the process repeats until the women can no longer function (then send them off to the slaughter house but that’s another argument). For arguments sake let’s call this milk HFM (human factory milk). Now 2 questions. Assuming that this HFM milk tasted no different to cow’s milk and it was cheaper, would you buy it? Also, would you still refer to it as “sex/shag/fuck” juice? Look this is not a personal attack. If you don’t view all life equally it doesn’t make you a horrible person. I think you’re a great person. Very bubbly, loving and caring and I’m honoured to be your friend. And I understand that you haven’t fully awakened but I don’t blame you or anyone else because social conditioning is so hard to break out of. If it wasn’t for the internet I would never have become so informed or went vegan. It’s a long road to change lifestyle and most never make it but at least you’re questioning it and having this conversation. I know what it’s like not to treat others equally. I was just the same and I understand how extremely difficult it is to break out of that mentality. When I was a kid, we used to jump on ant hives to see who could kill the most ants. We used to capture bees in jars, pour water in, shake it for half an hour, pour the dying bees onto the ground and jump on them to see who could create the most destruction. I look back now with shame and think Christ what was I thinking? But you see I didn’t know any better and nobody corrected me. To me it was just mischief. But now I understand those lives to be somebody. There’s somebody in there, just as lost and scared as you or I. When that finally sinks in, everything changes. Hey this is just a bit of banter lets not take it too seriously. I always enjoy our debates. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree but I respect you for jumping in for the conventional eaters and speaking up for them because very few others seem to have the courage to do it.[/quote]

Why would you defriend someone like that, pal? surely there is hours of fun to be had there…It’s subtly pissing people like him off that makes the world right.

Firstly my wedding was over 3 years ago and he wasnt as ridiculous back then and secondly defriending someone on facebook is just that. It doesnt mean im defriending you in real life its just i dont want to join you in candy crush, farmville, commiserating about your grannys 985th operation, seeing pictures of your moron kids and munter girlfriend or join in your views that you keep to yourself offline

With the greatest of respect to the vegan cunt he doesn’t come across as the type of lad who would keep his views to himself offline.

In fairness rocko most people are infinitely less of a cunt offline, except drunk abusive @Mac and myself of course

You’re never going to forgive me for getting all those people to kiss your head in Coppers that night are you?

I didnt mind that so much as the greeting of “foley you horrible cunt”

That’s how I greet everyone you horrible cunt

Except your wife who you greet with a closed fist.


Wrong log in mate!


Another @Rudi special

Rudi-Tassotti badly exposed here. :rolleyes:

Don’t tell me he mugged himself off again?

That was intentional.

He couldnt be that thick surely?

Dig up man for the love of god

Well, he does eat muesli while taking a dump


You mugged yourself good & proper.

You fools.

Its you who have been mugged off.

[quote=“Rudi, post: 875392, member: 1052”]You fools.

Its you who have been mugged off.[/quote]


Which one of you is this supposed to be?