Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875007, member: 179”]From someone i just unfriended on FB

RANT! Opened a bag of popcorn after dinner but nearly puked when I tasted it. The front of the pack describes it as ready salted popcorn. I checked the ingredients where I discover its “butter salt flavour popcorn” i.e. contains cow’s milk! WTF?? This Mcennedy Amerian Way popcorn also contains maltodextrin, yeast extract and flavouring. What happened to basic maize, oil and salt? This shower of cretins are not only poisoning people unnecessarily with chemicals but also putting rape juice into what the pack describes as “ready salted popcorn”. Has it got to the stage where I have to check the ingredients of a bag of fucking popcorn to make sure it’s vegan? The joys of living in a speciesist society. Fucks sake. Absolutely disgusted.[/quote]

“rape juice”:eek::D:pint:

zebo is a new level of cunt altogether, id say he is being groomed to take over the roll of court jester when Donners moves on

What do vegans do if their home is infested by rats/mice/cockroaches/ants?

How do they reconcile their love of lions with the fact a lion would eat them without thinking about it.

Vegans are Uncle Toms to their own species.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875007, member: 179”]From someone i just unfriended on FB

RANT! Opened a bag of popcorn after dinner but nearly puked when I tasted it. The front of the pack describes it as ready salted popcorn. I checked the ingredients where I discover its “butter salt flavour popcorn” i.e. contains cow’s milk! WTF?? This Mcennedy Amerian Way popcorn also contains maltodextrin, yeast extract and flavouring. What happened to basic maize, oil and salt? This shower of cretins are not only poisoning people unnecessarily with chemicals but also putting rape juice into what the pack describes as “ready salted popcorn”. Has it got to the stage where I have to check the ingredients of a bag of fucking popcorn to make sure it’s vegan? The joys of living in a speciesist society. Fucks sake. Absolutely disgusted.[/quote]

This person needs to removed from the gene pool.

Obviously it has gotten to the stage where he needs to check what the ingredients are, as that is what he is doing. what a cunt.

Why were you inviting a complete and utter spastic you could also unfriend on Facebook on a whim to your wedding? You must have been badly stuck for numbers.

Don’t know if there’s ever been a more wrong thing on the internet. I want to kill all those involved with the making of this piece utter cuntishness :mad::mad::mad:

[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 875081, member: 2272”]What do vegans do if their home is infested by rats/mice/cockroaches/ants?

How do they reconcile their love of lions with the fact a lion would eat them without thinking about it.

Vegans are Uncle Toms to their own species.[/quote]

Why is it that when a vegan or vegetarian come around for a bite to eat in your own place they expect you to serve up vegetarian or vegan friendly food but when you go around to theirs they don’t go out of their way to provide you with meat dishes for your carnivore friendly diet? I fucking hate that.

It gets better, i told him he was just a step away from coming up with cowschwitz and i got this back

Seriously this conversation could go on forever. I think you’re missing the point slightly. Imagine if you will a sweat shop in I don’t know, Malaysia. In this sweat shop they keep abducted poverty stricken women in cages against their will. They artificially inseminate all of these woman. They take away their babies from them at birth. Then they hook up the women to machines for months on end and take as much milk as possible. When the milk is gone they artificially inseminate the women again and the process repeats until the women can no longer function (then send them off to the slaughter house but that’s another argument). For arguments sake let’s call this milk HFM (human factory milk). Now 2 questions. Assuming that this HFM milk tasted no different to cow’s milk and it was cheaper, would you buy it? Also, would you still refer to it as “sex/shag/fuck” juice? Look this is not a personal attack. If you don’t view all life equally it doesn’t make you a horrible person. I think you’re a great person. Very bubbly, loving and caring and I’m honoured to be your friend. And I understand that you haven’t fully awakened but I don’t blame you or anyone else because social conditioning is so hard to break out of. If it wasn’t for the internet I would never have become so informed or went vegan. It’s a long road to change lifestyle and most never make it but at least you’re questioning it and having this conversation. I know what it’s like not to treat others equally. I was just the same and I understand how extremely difficult it is to break out of that mentality. When I was a kid, we used to jump on ant hives to see who could kill the most ants. We used to capture bees in jars, pour water in, shake it for half an hour, pour the dying bees onto the ground and jump on them to see who could create the most destruction. I look back now with shame and think Christ what was I thinking? But you see I didn’t know any better and nobody corrected me. To me it was just mischief. But now I understand those lives to be somebody. There’s somebody in there, just as lost and scared as you or I. When that finally sinks in, everything changes. Hey this is just a bit of banter lets not take it too seriously. I always enjoy our debates. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree but I respect you for jumping in for the conventional eaters and speaking up for them because very few others seem to have the courage to do it.

how the fuck could you stay talking or be friends with someone like that. social conditioning. would you ever fuck off. you havent fully awakened yet? what a fucking tool. just shows how much the internet can ruin peoples lives.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875332, member: 179”]It gets better, i told him he was just a step away from coming up with cowschwitz and i got this back

Seriously this conversation could go on forever. I think you’re missing the point slightly. Imagine if you will a sweat shop in I don’t know, Malaysia. In this sweat shop they keep abducted poverty stricken women in cages against their will. They artificially inseminate all of these woman. They take away their babies from them at birth. Then they hook up the women to machines for months on end and take as much milk as possible. When the milk is gone they artificially inseminate the women again and the process repeats until the women can no longer function (then send them off to the slaughter house but that’s another argument). For arguments sake let’s call this milk HFM (human factory milk). Now 2 questions. Assuming that this HFM milk tasted no different to cow’s milk and it was cheaper, would you buy it? Also, would you still refer to it as “sex/shag/fuck” juice? Look this is not a personal attack. If you don’t view all life equally it doesn’t make you a horrible person. I think you’re a great person. Very bubbly, loving and caring and I’m honoured to be your friend. And I understand that you haven’t fully awakened but I don’t blame you or anyone else because social conditioning is so hard to break out of. If it wasn’t for the internet I would never have become so informed or went vegan. It’s a long road to change lifestyle and most never make it but at least you’re questioning it and having this conversation. I know what it’s like not to treat others equally. I was just the same and I understand how extremely difficult it is to break out of that mentality. When I was a kid, we used to jump on ant hives to see who could kill the most ants. We used to capture bees in jars, pour water in, shake it for half an hour, pour the dying bees onto the ground and jump on them to see who could create the most destruction. I look back now with shame and think Christ what was I thinking? But you see I didn’t know any better and nobody corrected me. To me it was just mischief. But now I understand those lives to be somebody. There’s somebody in there, just as lost and scared as you or I. When that finally sinks in, everything changes. Hey this is just a bit of banter lets not take it too seriously. I always enjoy our debates. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree but I respect you for jumping in for the conventional eaters and speaking up for them because very few others seem to have the courage to do it.[/quote]

Bloody hell

Where can I get some of this woman juice?

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875332, member: 179”]It gets better, i told him he was just a step away from coming up with cowschwitz and i got this back

Seriously this conversation could go on forever. I think you’re missing the point slightly. Imagine if you will a sweat shop in I don’t know, Malaysia. In this sweat shop they keep abducted poverty stricken women in cages against their will. They artificially inseminate all of these woman. They take away their babies from them at birth. Then they hook up the women to machines for months on end and take as much milk as possible. When the milk is gone they artificially inseminate the women again and the process repeats until the women can no longer function (then send them off to the slaughter house but that’s another argument). For arguments sake let’s call this milk HFM (human factory milk). Now 2 questions. Assuming that this HFM milk tasted no different to cow’s milk and it was cheaper, would you buy it? Also, would you still refer to it as “sex/shag/fuck” juice? Look this is not a personal attack. If you don’t view all life equally it doesn’t make you a horrible person. I think you’re a great person. Very bubbly, loving and caring and I’m honoured to be your friend. And I understand that you haven’t fully awakened but I don’t blame you or anyone else because social conditioning is so hard to break out of. If it wasn’t for the internet I would never have become so informed or went vegan. It’s a long road to change lifestyle and most never make it but at least you’re questioning it and having this conversation. I know what it’s like not to treat others equally. I was just the same and I understand how extremely difficult it is to break out of that mentality. When I was a kid, we used to jump on ant hives to see who could kill the most ants. We used to capture bees in jars, pour water in, shake it for half an hour, pour the dying bees onto the ground and jump on them to see who could create the most destruction. I look back now with shame and think Christ what was I thinking? But you see I didn’t know any better and nobody corrected me. To me it was just mischief. But now I understand those lives to be somebody. There’s somebody in there, just as lost and scared as you or I. When that finally sinks in, everything changes. Hey this is just a bit of banter lets not take it too seriously. I always enjoy our debates. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree but I respect you for jumping in for the conventional eaters and speaking up for them because very few others seem to have the courage to do it.[/quote]

Post reported.

And what the fuck is an Ant Hive? stupid fuck. I’m fuming after wasting time reading this vitriol. I ant this person name so i can do the human race a favor and end him.

Key wrong points are in bold.

Fooley involved in an exchange of views where he comes across as the normal one. I’ve fucking seen it all now.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 875332, member: 179”]It gets better, i told him he was just a step away from coming up with cowschwitz and i got this back

Seriously this conversation could go on forever. I think you’re missing the point slightly. Imagine if you will a sweat shop in I don’t know, Malaysia. In this sweat shop they keep abducted poverty stricken women in cages against their will. They artificially inseminate all of these woman. They take away their babies from them at birth. Then they hook up the women to machines for months on end and take as much milk as possible. When the milk is gone they artificially inseminate the women again and the process repeats until the women can no longer function (then send them off to the slaughter house but that’s another argument). For arguments sake let’s call this milk HFM (human factory milk). Now 2 questions. Assuming that this HFM milk tasted no different to cow’s milk and it was cheaper, would you buy it? Also, would you still refer to it as “sex/shag/fuck” juice? Look this is not a personal attack. If you don’t view all life equally it doesn’t make you a horrible person. I think you’re a great person. Very bubbly, loving and caring and I’m honoured to be your friend. And I understand that you haven’t fully awakened but I don’t blame you or anyone else because social conditioning is so hard to break out of. If it wasn’t for the internet I would never have become so informed or went vegan. It’s a long road to change lifestyle and most never make it but at least you’re questioning it and having this conversation. I know what it’s like not to treat others equally. I was just the same and I understand how extremely difficult it is to break out of that mentality. When I was a kid, we used to jump on ant hives to see who could kill the most ants. We used to capture bees in jars, pour water in, shake it for half an hour, pour the dying bees onto the ground and jump on them to see who could create the most destruction. I look back now with shame and think Christ what was I thinking? But you see I didn’t know any better and nobody corrected me. To me it was just mischief. But now I understand those lives to be somebody. There’s somebody in there, just as lost and scared as you or I. When that finally sinks in, everything changes. Hey this is just a bit of banter lets not take it too seriously. I always enjoy our debates. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree but I respect you for jumping in for the conventional eaters and speaking up for them because very few others seem to have the courage to do it.[/quote]

Ah that’s terribly funny stuff.
Cheers Art, you bubbly bastard :smiley:

[quote=“Piles Hussain, post: 875345, member: 363”]Ah that’s terribly funny stuff.
Cheers Art, you bubbly bastard :D[/quote]

Never had Art pinned as a fat fucker

Next time you meet that cunt order a rare steak and wash it down with a cool glass of milk.

Ask him how he can justify the murder of plants to satisfy his sick cravings.

Ever since he started getting the dart to work rather than walking he’s been piling on the pounds

This thread was created for posts like that one from @artfoley. That cunt needs kicking.

Art, you should buy that lad a t-shirt with this printed on it.

because if a cow got the chance…
