Things That Are Wrong

Cheers pal

@croppy giving out about only getting 40/1 on a 66/1 winning tip

#getonintime #nobleendeavour

I was going to post this in the Wexford thread but this one is probably a bit more appropriate.

What’s the first thing that comes into our heads if we read a scoreline in our local or national newspaper or check it up on teletext(like my da still does) and it reads WEXFORD 5-3 DUBLIN 0-14 ??? Well I know what mine always said or what my da says “Jaysus Dublin looked like they got caught out there, they scored 14 times and wexford only 8” or maybe “the fecking keeper for Dublin musta been useless, only for him they wudda won handy” . Now I’m fairly sure we have all heard it in one way or another but how come we never think or hear " wexford are really great at scoring goals " or " what were Dublin thinking not going for goals? " When we are 6/7 years old learning and playing gaelic football down at the pitch with two goals made out of jumpers or poles, all we want to do is get the ball, run the length of the field(if the ref allows us) and score a goal, turn around and celebrate for a while and see if our parents saw us and then go mad looking for the next ball to do the same. But somewhere along the line all that gets changed, we get COACHED to pass the ball backwards, kick it back to the keeper, fist it over the bar even tho we are one on one with the goalie(a personal dislike of mine) or the famous one of take your point and the goals will come. But plenty of times the goals don’t come , we end up never getting any goals and thinking ‘if only’ I had of went for goal in the first half. How many games do we now see ending up 0-11 to 0-9 or of a similar scoreline ?? I have been coaching my local girls team for last few years and on two occasions after beating a team on a scoreline which read something like 7-6 to 0-10 the opposing manager or a parent would say to me after the game" ye have a good little team there but at least we beat you on points" now to me that’s crazy but it’s just the way our mentality as changed towards Gaelic football. Take Clare or cork hurlers this year or Dublin in the football(as much as it pains me to say it) they thrived on scoring, yes scoring and they are always worth paying into watch. Compare Gaa to soccer, I love man united and have supported them since I was old enough to understand, I have to old Trafford on numerous occasions but came out each time thinking “that was a bit boring” and I’d rather a good Gaa match any day, the huge advantage we have over soccer is it is supposed to be much much easier to score goals in Gaelic football as we can pick up the ball and run past people and have bigger goals but sadly I am now coming away from Croke park or portlaoise or dr Cullen park after watching a fame and also saying “that was a bit boring” . About 3 years ago I went about 5/6 games without conceding a goal in league/championship and I remember thinking I’ve hardly had a save to make, huge credit to my defenders and our tactics but how could a team in div 3 go so long without taking the ball outta the onion bag ??? It’s crazy and unless we get goals back into Gaelic football hurling is going to keep pulling away as a spectacle and a greater game to play and watch. It’s getting to the stage now where we hardly need to put up the nets anymore. I have a huge passion for coaching and learning new ideas of how to coach but I’ve made up my mind long ago about how will I advise youngsters to train and how I will train, I will focus on skills and getting kids comfortable with a football in all environments of the game but most of all I will teach them that the big square thing with the net hanging outta the back of it is the real target, it’s what the kids want to score, it’s what the people want to see, and even though we might have forgotten its worth 3 times more than a point!! Obviously there is no rules in how to coach Gaelic football, there is no official way on how to teach this great game we inherited but surely we should try make it attractive, have the folks in the pub on a Sunday nite or on the way home in the car talking about the amazing goals they saw and the skill levels shown, one common denominator we all have is passion for the game, that’s always gonna be there but sadly skill and flair and goals are not.

I apologise for my poor grammar, I’m sure i made lots of mistakes(I can hear people mumbling “very same as playing in the goal” ) but as anybody who knows me knows I am very opinionated and I love to talk about Gaelic football so I said I’d throw my thoughts on this and see what they were like.

Hope ye all had a great Christmas and we have a skill full and goal feat of a 2014 :slight_smile:


Mickee321 tuning in for the cricket for the whole night, that’s just plain wrong.

Was he put down after it?

No they made a new action figure[ATTACH=full]976[/ATTACH]

I’m after putting on 10lbs weight in under two weeks over ‘The Christmas’. :eek:

Latest from the vegan:

“I wonder how vegan road users feel about this?”

[quote=“artfoley, post: 879871, member: 179”]Latest from the vegan:

“I wonder how vegan road users feel about this?”[/quote]

Ah for ffs sake :smiley:

He has to be a wind up merchant.

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 879873, member: 1796”]Ah for ffs sake :smiley:

He has to be a wind up merchant.[/quote]

Unfortunately not. Might use this story to wind him up.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 879871, member: 179”]Latest from the vegan:

“I wonder how vegan road users feel about this?”[/quote]
is oil made from fossilised dinosaurs?

What do you call a person from Offaly who doesn’t eat meat?
Daithi Vegan

[quote=“Tabby, post: 879996, member: 2142”]What do you call a person from Offaly who doesn’t eat meat?
Daithi Vegan[/quote]
So bad, it’s acceptable.

I’m glad to see you said that as I just liked a post of yours on another thread

[quote=“Tabby, post: 879996, member: 2142”]What do you call a person from Offaly who doesn’t eat meat?
Daithi Vegan[/quote]

Drinking beer at room temperature…

The government…

& electric chainsaws

Oiver callans nye programme was absolutely shocking. Horrific cringe tv.

Rte’s effort tonight. Not helped by whoever organised madness for College Green.

Beijing? Moscow? Dubai?? They’re hours ahead of Ireland.