Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Dunno boss. Obviously his gambling habits or finances is not something I’m going to interrogate him about.

Jesus wept, this is painful.
I opened an account and never verified my age, they asked but I ignored them, they should have suspended my account…,
But they didn’t, they continue to take my bets, I could be 12 years old, now I find out that if I win a lot of money they won’t give it to me unless I prove I’m 18,

They won’t be hiring you as a PR spokesman


Sure we’ve nothing else to do. Send one of the nippers over to go through the bins for clues


Next time you see him tell him ill buy the betting accounts off him :slight_smile:

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It’s not an addiction at all. It just reveals people’s stupidity and most people can’t hack being made Look stupid. You’ve fellas convinced on here they are experts on this or that but they can’t beat the odds. It reveals the spoofers. I’ve pity for a fella like Oisin who was drinking and betting but there’s people who go betting And lose everything and just look for sympathy.

Ah yes that’s fair enough. I thought you were annoyed about being asked. Bookmakers closing accounts of winning punters is the biggest issue. It simply isn’t fair if they allow people lose 1000s they should allow people win a reasonable amount. Also no casino stuff either.

A gambling addition is a horrible fucking thing. An honest man I know resorted to taking money from his children and trying to win back losses.

He’s recovered now from it but he lost a lot of respect of a lot of people

The fact you deny gambling addiction exists and cry out about people doing the same about mental health says a lot about you

Ah yeah, nothing addictive about gambling at all. I could quit anytime lads, no bother :rofl:

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Yep but betting made him look stupid and broke. Some people simply can’t handle being made look clueless so the resort to I’ve an addiction. There is one high profile sports man in Ireland who has profited off a supposed gambling addiction. I’m led to believe the same lad was just an idiot and made a small fortune out of it sense.

You’re one horrible bastard and it never takes too long to out

He is a born liar just spouting shite on here for kicks. You’d be as well off believe nothing he says.

This making you look stupid. Maybe its your gambling addiction making you look stupid

I’m not. People don’t like being made look stupid. They can’t accept it. How many people on here claim to be experts on everything from sport to science? Why can’t anybody just Say I haven’t a notion. Betting reveals very quickly if somebody is a spoofer. If you continue to bet on something and you lose money because you have no idea what you are betting On you’ve little sympathy for me.

You can’t beat the odds, unless you are a very ruthless person, with very deep pockets and can get other men to do your bidding.

Addiction is a mental health issue.

You’re supposed to be the forums mental health expert.


In correct far more people beat the odds than you say. They just get shut down. Just because you couldn’t don’t think other people can’t.

I’m not an expert on mental health but I’m well aware of the issues mental heath can cause. That’s poor from you again. I’ve never studied mental health or anything like that.

I beat the odds and got my accounts closed down. Being a man of reasonably sound mind, I ceased serious gambling activity and now do it out of habit and sport more than anything

Addiction is a mental health issue

Yes But you just said people can’t beat the odds and now you saying you beat the odds. Far more people beat the odds than many think. It just isn’t all that it’s cracked up to me and betting doesn’t suit a lot of people’s lives. I’d say a fella like you seems to love his work and 14 hours in front of a screen watching replays all day would be hell for you even though you have proven you’ve beaten the odds.