Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Oh we know.

You didn’t read it, my issue is that they paid lip service to me verifying my age but ignored it when I didn’t

Plenty of other ways to raise money for the NHS that don’t involve addictions.

They probably raised a lot less every year than the NHS spends on gambling addicts services

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When its 20 pound cash or 25 via Card for a private dance you better know where the nearest ATM is in the vicinity.

As I said they raised 2.7 million pounds. How much have you donated? Fuck all. Maybe the nhs wouldn’t need their money if people weren’t so tight.

And did you ever take money out of the account? As I’ve never seen somebody not verify an account and get money out.

Ah lads :rofl:

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Why would I be donating to the NHS? Did they offer any money to the HSE that also spends shitloads on Irish gambling addicts not to mention the strain that cheltenham put on the HSE

So they’ll take a child’s money but won’t allow him to win :joy:
I started with 50 and now I’ve 140 :+1::muscle:

As I said If people weren’t so tight and gave a little bit they wouldn’t need the money. I wouldn’t like virtuals but they done a good thing here albeit I wouldn’t be fully comfortable about it happening again. We are in extreme circumstances and it done some good.

The NHS budget is 117bn. Where do you think that money comes from???

You’ve an issue with a fundraiser of 2.7 million pounds for the nhs in the middle of a global pandemic?

But you still have to verify your account? You said it was a joke that you have to verify your age. You have to be 18 to gamble.

Art, Art, this cunt is full of shite. Walk away from him before you suffocate.

Why are people donating to government bodies anyway?

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Banks were dying to give out loans. They won’t stop for a few bets here or there. Your neighbours finances are either a mess or he has a serious gambling problem

Under severe pressure for money I guess and to try and keep governments happy too.

Gambling addiction is worse than a drink addiction. Drink takes your wits away. I never met a crafty alcoholic. Gambling addiction turns honest men into liars

To allow a load of addicts gamble. Its simple really.

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