Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Yes but that’s the beauty of having an opinion. You don’t have to take any notice of it. Yet it seems to deeply annoy you - which isn’t my problem.

I learned about it through experience mate. I’ve seen addiction up close and personal. It’s not pretty. I have many vices and I work very hard on myself not to let them tip into addiction because i have tendencies.

I’m addicted to this place, for my sins. I know i shouldn’t post as much as I do, but shur fuck it you say, its harmless. That’s my tendencies

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Im not talking about that type of person. Those people you describe i.e. lads who cannot watch an event without a bet are addicts.

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As I’ve said I have come across two cases. One is a complete fraud and has made a fortune of his supposed gambling addiction.

You’ve come across two cases who’ve outed themselves.

Every time you go into a bookies you’ll see the same poor cunts standing around a hape of beaten dockets. They are all addicts who don’t admit it.

The industry is built off addiction


This is an emotive issue, you claiming that there’s no such thing as an addiction to gambling is absolute nonsense and very likely to bother people enough to call you out on it,

My uncle lost everything through his gambling addiction, eventually his life


I’m talking about people I know. Any time I’m in a betting shop I’m out as soon as possible as I despise the casino element.

Sorry to hear that man.

It’s a dangerous bastard because there is no visible sign and it’s easy hidden until it’s too late.

Gambling addicts are very fucking crafty about hiding it

It’s my opinion. I haven’t studied it or anything like that or claim to be an expert. I’ve lost friends to suicide. Many people are happy to dismiss mental health issues on the forum. Very few On here had much to say about the matter. As I said I will learn more about it as you and Esteban have perked my interest.

I’m also sorry to hear about your uncle tracksuit.

Anybody who self diagnoses an addiction have either hit rock bottom or aren’t as addicted as they think they are.

Addiction compels you to lie to yourself and others and in most cases requires and intervention. That’s how it remains hidden and does damage.

A cunt of a thing

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An alcoholic can hardly hide it though? I’ve struggled in the past with betting interfering on my pastimes so that’s why 99 percent Is on horse racing. I’ve vowed to never to bet again on a competition involving limerick gaa as it’s far too close to my heart and clouds my judgment. I think I had three nfl bets this year maybe four or five. Again I’m vowing to cut these out.

That’s my point. You cant hide alcoholism, at least not for long. It has physical damage that will out you eventually. You cant have a pint online

You can hide a gambling addiction until it’s too late for anyone to help

I see I missed your point tbf. I would still argue a lot of people use it as a cop out. I’m sure now there are genuine cases but there is people who use it as an easy excuse.

The same way there are people who hide behind mental health as an excuse.

To deny the existence of one because of the other is the exact thing you’ve been railing about recently and is extremely hypocritical

It was at this point I signed out. A complete bullshit artist this fella


I’m not an expert on addiction. If gambling is an addiction what exactly can’t be classified as an addiction?


Lad you impress nobody with this stuff. You’ve tried to become edgy lately or something and nobody is impressed or finds it any bit amusing. Youve moved away from your kind of harmless an fear rua stuff. You’ve replied To me about 60 times in the last three days. Just stop. You might just have an addiction for me as it’s becoming rather unsettling.

When you post shit like you’ve posted here, don’t be surprised that people will call you out on it fella