Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

More lies. You’re a gas cunt.

He tried to claim my friend who died in a car accident never happened. He was known to two or three other forum members im almost certain. We can all have a joke or what not but he’s going way too far lately and it’s odd for a fella who largely never bothered anybody for his first 100 thousand posts on the site. It doesn’t really bother me but I’m not sure anybody is enjoying it. If they are he can work away. I got one pm already to try and ignore him and I appreciated it. We should all do our best to either get on or just ignore the people we simply can’t get on with during this time.

Read that @anon60384913

I will Esteban. Enjoy the rest of your day.

He’s repeatedly said on here that he makes stuff up to get reactions. I’d believe nothing out of him, purely because nobody could be as stupid as he lets on to be.

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And you drive miles out of your way to another .

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As I said you’ve only started this in the last six weeks and it’s been completely different to your first 100,000 posts on the website. I hope you are well as it’s fairly out of character for you and sort of out of the blue as well which leads me to suspect there’s something else at play. Enjoy your day MBB.

More lies.

I’ve a kebab on the way for lunch

Just had a twix there, unreal.

More lies

I don’t think casinos and bookmakers should mix. It’s as simple as that.

Where you get that now , I’m dying for one

A takeaway in Cabra, so I’m expecting incredibly high standards

As with any addiction - there’s far deeper stuff driving it. Gambling or alcohol are merely the symptoms of something much deeper. I dont really buy into calling it a disease … Addiction itself is very real but you’ll find a lot of emotional/relationship issues going on … The thing with a lot of these drivers is they can be from innocuous events when young and not always traumatic. There’s no denying the physiological affect also tho— but the brain and how we deal with emotional hurt when young is fascinating and something we’ve only scratched the surface on.

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They are turning betting shops into arcades, those fruit machines are in in the UK already , some law over here keeping them out but sure PP will sort that out . I love going to the races and doing a bet , getting the buzz even if it’s for a 10er roaring on a horse up the back straight, that’s the way it’s supposed to be . This nonsense of spending the day in the bookies should be allowed .

126 posts and we can confirm that Gambling is in fact addictive. This lockdown is sending lads cray cray

Who had the under 126.5 posts backed?


Gas cunt.


  • mental health issues are real


  • gamblers who lose money are fools who can’t research properly
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