Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Im on a zoom here with 16 fellas. One lad doing quizmaster and 5 teams of 3 playing question of sport

Questions are fucking rock hard. We are after the mystery guest and picture round and home and away so far…

Savage craic in fairness


Right, I’m not pretending anymore. What in the name of fuck is a zoom call?

Call from the bluetooth in the car

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And that’s it like?

Had a what’s app call last night and managed to get a shit in during it, just turned off my camera.

Video conferencing

Tfk one on Christmas Eve?

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Not if you’re going to be walking around with bars of lindt there wont

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I’ll punch your jaw loose on your birthday

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That’s fightin talk

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You see that avatar of yours? It’ll be like looking in the mirror for you by the time I’m finished.


That was a brilliant way to pass a few hours.



The Lidl “Workzone” power washer was pressed into service today. It had spent a good two years fucked outside behind the shed since it’s last use. Going like the clappers now.


I’ve seen a lot of people using power washers recently. Fellas I’ve never seen use them before.

That’s really fascinating, I’d love to know why that is the case, there was a fella on my road using a power washer one time and another day I saw him riding a bicycle.


Bicycles are different altogether. Random acts of power washing are my chosen area of expertise.

I power washed the patio there. It came up lovely.


Power Washing is very calming on the mind.

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Fair play. A mate of mine took 2 days to power wash his driveway. I’ve never seen him do physical labour of any sort before.

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Would a power washer shift a bit of diesel off a driveway?

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