Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Lads power washing the ground with drinking water.

Will we ever learn to love our planet. I despair that we have not learned anything.

Cc @The_Selfish_Giant

Dangerous already. Diesel is very corrosive, a wonder there’s still a driveway.
I’d rip it up for cosmetic reasons and replace it with cobblelock. If you make another cock-up with a fuel spill you’ve only got to replace a few blocks.
Further advice, leave a dozen spare blocks exposed to the elements, that way they look more natural when called upon.
Power washing will bring the driveway and the diesel with it, the affected area is corroded.


Paving a driveway must cost a fortune?

I never had enough money to even consider it. I haven’t any inclination of finding out either.

It’s becoming more popular. I know of a lad that done it and had what I’d consider a standard enough driveway and it cost him the bones of ten grand. I use loose stones and have pot holes every few weeks with the milk lorry.

I had the hose rigged up to my rain water butts

You can do a printed concrete job now that looks like cobblelock. Looks ok. Not sure how good a job it is long term

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Better than cobble block as it wont sag anywhere and weeds wont come up through it.


I need to consider Tarmac or Concrete soon. My driveway is a disaster with loose stones on it. Young wan can’t cycle on it and I’ve a constant battle with weeds and rabbits rooting holes in it.

Tarmac I’m not mad about but concrete is expensive.

Id be goin with the printed concrete

How much was the powerwasher can you remember?

Dunno, if it costs a few quid more I don’t see the point tbh. It’ll wear down with time regardless I assume?

It’ll last a lot longer than tar.Colour willmight fade depending what you pick.

Will it stain as badly as plain concrete finish if a drop of oil or diesel hits it?

Most likely.

It’s an everyday battle with weeds and potholes! If I had the money I’d probably concrete it. At least it’s done forever more then. Tarmac is too soft for me.

It’s a double edged sword with either tbh, tarmac is soft but if you’ve heavier traffic in around a house you need to go deeper and heavier with the concrete so it won’t crack.

60-70 euro if I recall correctly

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He’s in Dublin. His drive way is 3m2


The council paves my driveway.

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