Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

That’s a brilliant book,
You’re just the type of fella who’ll take up barefoot running after reading it too,
TFKs own Caballo Blanco :joy:

Enjoy, it’s a ‘great’ spirts book, there is such thing

You not buy it? The barefooted thing? Makes a lot of sense to be fair. Not sure I’ll be chancing it though. Feet are too soft at this stage

I often run barefoot during a longer run, Shelbourne park, Mary I or UL grass fields,
It’s not the Softness of your feet, that’s no problem on grass, it’s the way you land, you’ll naturally land mid foot in bare feet while you land on your heels on cushioned shoes, takes a while to build up the mudd sad clues you need to go a long way,
Read that book or ‘Running with the Kenyans’ for a good explanation

Edit: I’d usually run barefoot for only a couple of K midrun

It makes sense if you’re running on grass. Tarmac not so.much.

Barefoot running is not for me. I like a light shoe with a firm sole but as much cushion as I can get. I take great care to run on my forefeet, and now do so for 14 k at least, though I suspect longer distances will lead to fatigue and heel landing. If I was running on clay, maybe, but on concrete it makes no sense to deprive your joints of whatever softening they can get.
My knees are not great. They are sore, and I have to manage them.

the commentary by brian moore
"good grief " when Andy Dibble makes a save from Alan Smith

Ashley Grimes on the right there, kingsley black on the left - great scenes


I forgot how shit Caesar was at the back for arsenal


Like many others we have relatives in Luton and I remember that day well.

Luton had some gorgeous kits in their day.

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Nick Hornsby had a very good chapter on him in Fever Pitch. Possibly referencing this very game.

The beach is great for a barefoot run

Think Caballo blanco collapsed and put on the wooden overcoat a few years ago .think theres a theory now that all that long distance running can be very bad for areas around the heart in the long term…

That was the most memorable chapter of the book I thought.

Let’s put it in the thought fridge and snack on it later

Remember this well. Andy fucking dibble! What a match. Rocastle dropped like a stone there for the peno. Lutons second goal is an all time classic.

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Fantastic memories there.Dibble had the game of his life.


The league cup is all it’s guises was a great competition . Oxford v QPR in 1986 a great occasion . The ball used in 1979 final was a classic

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Doggy doo?

The mitre one with the massive red stripe on it?

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Found it