Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

You’re a simple man.

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On TFK last night one of the best lines ever written anywhere, F Scott Fitzgerald himself couldn’t have made it up if he was from Clare,

In reference to having thousands of twitter followers
‘It would nearly be like being from Carrick on Suir rather than Tipp town’ :joy:


That was a belter in fairness.

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Give poor old MBB a break. Since the lockdown came into effect he has had to spend every waking hour posting endless inane replies on TFK hoping someone will reply to him to give him the attention he craves.

Ooooft, theres a size 13 stilletto up MBB’s hole.

Wasn’t it hilarious! Imagine the high pitched giggling that reverberated around the box room when it came up with that one.

Pampers got very offended at that one.

Morning pet, aren’t you up early for a change. Did the pigeons witness a bit of self harm in the attic last night? You were in an awful state there for a while.

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I didn’t get it. Is it some sort of anti-rural joke? He made an anti-rural joke at me last night. Cheap shot, cheap shot.

Whiskey is a helluva drink.


He’s getting triggered on other people’s behalf now :smiley:

A beautifully placed hand grenade.

Where was this mate?
Ps I’ve gone back to Nespresso for the ease of it (fair trade pods)

It may have been surpassed

Description of @Horsebox

‘a gom pretending to be a gom so as not to be a gom’ :joy:

It’s genius

Do you likey? I’m not a fan.

You’ve a fairly low bar for genius there, mate.



It was a dinger, I wouldn’t expect it amused you much mind

Ah it was tbf, Seanie is a gas man.

This arrived today from @caulifloweredneanderthal
A greatly appreciated gift and gesture.