Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

What was it chaps? It’s past my bedtime.

Tubridy read out short bios of 4 Covid-19 victims, which included anecdotes he was provided with by family and with accompanying photographs on the screen. It included the 51-year old staff member at St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny.

It was a good piece

Who is this dermot kennedy fella?

He’s been getting “traction” for the last 12-18 months. Think he sold out 3 Arena last Christmas. I’m only familiar with that first song Power Over Me to be honest.

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It was better this week. Last week he was patronising.

The first Irish solo artist to get to number one in the UK in donkeys years


Do they still do the number one craic?

I think it’s a mix of sales, downloads and streams and shit like that now

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Was Frank Kelly the last one?

I just googled it because it was only something I half heard. He’s the first Irish artist to get a debut album to no.1 in 20 years. Ronan Keating was the last. But there may have been others in the meantime which weren’t debut albums.

Did Dickie Harris not get to No1

Just had a bit of a bbq there out the back with the family. We blasted out Christmas songs for a good hour.

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Wiser men locked up bud👍

I’d say the neighbors loved that.

They’ll be grand Fagan. It was something different is all. My two teenagers thoroughly enjoyed it.

It’s all a bluff they’ll be asking you for a score before the night is out.


That’ll be cheap if that’s all it is.

A good hard long solid shit. Nothing better ! Camped out in the jacks.

Nah. You cant beat the old colostomy bag. I’ve saved a fortune in bog roll the last year.

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Where do you empty the bag ?