Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Ah yeah but I dont use half as much bog roll.

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I nearly had to call Mick Moore silage and slurry contractor after that! “Upon my solemn oath up and down mighty” and he used to say.

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Saw a lad going up the hill of Howth yesterday on a Sturmey Archer 3 speed.

Republican traveller - insight into what they want/ think,normal guy

Where would you start with all that is right with this this? The care given to the child, the joy of the parents, the skill and efforts of the doctors, the fact that this life was as precious as any other…


A shucks kid. There isn’t a dry eye in the house

These are great times we’re living in @iron_mike

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Problem is, very few of us realise it yet

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Here, hows that model plane coming along. I used to build them as a garsoon. I wouldn’t mind getting back into it.

It’s ready to be covered in paper and dope, whatever that is. It’s very tail heavy for some reason, maybe the propeller will balance it out. Heady stuff.

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Dont forget to fire up a photo when shes done

She might never be done. The box sat on a shelf for two years before I got started

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Sounds a bit like marriage


Waking up to a “Good Reply” following an inocous oul’ post about the OAP.
Thanks guys, keep safe, hold the line etc., :clap:


The price of kerosene (heating oil for slow learners) at Tommy Cassidy’s in Derrylin.
24c per litre - collected.

I ring a local supplier, haggle half-heartedly to be quoted… 43.5c.

Not far off half the price for 2 hrs of your life… 30. mins going, 40 mins slobbering and 40 mins home taking her handy.


We put a tent up in the garden today. It’s a 4 sleeper. The 5 year old has spent the last half an hour teaching the 8 year old how to do bicycle kicks inside in it on the air beds.


I think you meant to post this on


How would you bring it home? In drums?

1000 ltr tank. You’d need a trailer obviously and a pump at your end.