Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I wasn’t the nosey cunt asking the question.

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King Billy wouldn’t listen, to stay at home

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Don’t worry, I promise never to go on the “Poland Balbec” thread.

Fair play!

I’d be in the same boat myself in a lot of ways.


How’s all pal? Only seeing your post now. Thank god for small helps

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Thanks pal. He’s doing as well as can be expected. He was out for a walk yesterday and then outside talking to his pals for about an hour enjoying the attention.


Lough Gur?


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The stone circle? I always thought the hill overlooking the lake was associated with her… what did ye do?

Stood there freezing my bollocks off waiting for the sun to come through the entrance. There was a few hippy types playing music and singing. Then a dog went mental and tried to bury an acorn in the ground at my feet.

Ah kid, you’ve missed what really happened here … that wasnt a dog, that was Aine - the burying of the acorn was to symbolize new beginnings and growth if you’d just open your mind … you were stood there like a gowl instead.

I gave Aine a scratch on the belly then burned a withy

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Maybe there’s hope for you… keep watering that seed.


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Long story, but bear with me.
So, on Saturdayafternoon I took a phone call from my mate matty the property developer (cc @balbec)
He’d been out at the shops and came across an oul frail fella resting on a bench. The lad looked unwell Matty said, and still had his slippers on. You’d have seen this lad an odd time as he used cycle a bike about the place, but, England being what it is, not paid much mind.
Anyhow, Matty stopped to check he was ok, and realised he could barely walk, never mind drag his shopping trolley, so he gradually got him up, found out where he lived, and managed to slowly walk him and his shopping home. Matty was right worried about him, but was headed on holidays on Sunday, so he rang me and asked would I check in on this lad (Billy, from Louth as it turns out), and make sure he was ok.
I took my lad round on Sunday afternoon He lives in a ground floor flat, so we knocked on the window and he eventually answered, I explained I was a friend of Matty who dropped him home yesterday, and was just checking did he need anything.
He invited me in to a one bedroom flat in severe need of a clean. We had a bit of a chat. He’s pretty much taken to the bed, but his power was on and the telly was working. He refused point blank to go out to the cafe or for a pint. I sent the lad over for a loaf of bread for him, and said I’d see him the next day. He’s living in sort of organised squalor.
I rang Matty then, and we discussed the situation. Matty said he’d send his cleaning lady around to clean, I said it was a bit beyond that, so he said he’d pull a few lads off a job to go and clean it properly, and he’d come back early from holidays (he’s only in abersoch) and sort it out. I said we’d better get to know him a bit first. We couldn’t just charge in like a bull at a gate and start pulling his flat apart, though it is in a bad way.
Matty said to check his water and electric was all ok, that he’d get it sorted if it was disconnected.
I called round again yesterday after work with some milk and eggs and a few cans of Guinness. He let me in.
He was dressed to an extent in red long John’s and a vest, and was in the bed watching some quiz program on the telly. It was hot and dark and fairly fragrant, and the bed was filthy (it’s just a single room with a separate tiny kitchen and bathroom). I chatted to him for a bit, then asked could I get some laundry done for him. At this stage he stood up out of the bed again and made it fairly clear he wanted me to leave.
“Look” he said “don’t come round tomorrow knocking on the window annoying me. I’m grand here. I’m not going out. I don’t need anything. Just leave me alone, I’m sick of it. Don’t knock on that window tomorrow”
Well chastened, I slunk off home and rang Matty to tell him to hold off the home makeover team.


He softened your cough, good and proper, you busybody.


What were you doing tormenting the man.

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I know, I know 🤷