Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

The pure solid finest

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Fair play to him. For many years the only indoor track in Ireland was in Nenagh and was like running in a shed. It’s a wonder we produce athletes at all with the facilities we have

That’s brilliant, fair play to him

Used to get a day off from school every year to go running some competition in there. Was a cool venue to a young lad.

If you’d a crowd of people in there it was grand. But it was fairly bleak when it came to general training in there. Really damp and cold.

It is in Nenagh


Peter needs to get out more.

If I was married to Abbie I’d not leave the house

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Is she a cracker?

A solid 7

She looks like she needs a bit of feeding.

What’s wrong with her leg?

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Botox and filler trickling down from her face I’d wager. She has enough on board.

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What the fuck

Down below in SuperValu there getting a few bitz and pieces - get to the till, total comes to €25 and the machine prompts me if I’ve any vouchers to use. Check the Rewards app and lo-and-behold I’ve a €22.50 voucher to use, no minimum spend or nathin required.

I’m after getting the makings of fajitas for dinner, a mini brekkie roll, a Danish (pastry), some freshly squeezed Oj, and a both frank AND honest cappuccino - all for just Two-Fiddy.

This has put me in a savage good mood for the afternoon.


That’s the good news. The bad news is that the wife has been hitting the SuperValu wine hard.


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