Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐


They’ve been handed home advantage again but Shur we’ll do our best. Hard to fight city hall

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We got regular emails from croke park and Dublin County Board with guidelines to follow. I can do it one out for you if you like

Knockout Football

I have them. They were worthless.

Good man Chris :clap::clap::clap:

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And he fucking did it too :clap::clap::clap:


That’s fucking brilliant. What a hero.

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A homecooked dinner.

You were away for a night Mike. Not a month.


Mike’s like an ould hen

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Two nights. Stop being such a cantankerous aul cunt

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Tipping away up to Donegal and back and the rest of the country meant to be in lockdown.

He was doing an essential check on the festive mood of the country


Got a new phone today. Clearing out messages. Came across this written between two brothers who my own age who know my dad (forwarded on to me at the time) written during summer the day we thought the aul lad was gone.

Lot of love and goodness In the world.

In other news he’ll be hoping Galway do it this weekend and we never hoped for that a few months ago

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Sorry to highjack your post @TheUlteriorMotive but it’s funny you posted that here today. I remembered posting this from last Christmas shortly after the author of the letter passed away.
Anyway we were looking for a blank cassete tape the other day because one of the girls wanted to record something from the radio, they hadn’t a clue how the tapes worked obviously but i knew we had some in a box so i went rooting.
There was loads of tapes there and didn’t i find a 100 minute interview i did with my mother as part of an Oral history module about ten years ago, i had recently discovered the transcript so i know the contents, all about her growing up in inner city Cork and moving out to where she settled with my dad, she was a brilliant raconteur and storyteller, I haven’t been able to listen to it yet but it was a brilliant find.
That was alovely thing written about your father.


That tape is a special thing to have of your mother.

I sat down with my uncle in Canada about 7 years ago and taped him for a few hours. It was for a project I was working on but I’ve kept digital copies of it, as I know it’ll be something his grandchildren will want to hear when he’s gone as it’s about his life from his 20s-40s.

Did you do oral history with Maura Cronin in Mary I? I did it myself about 20 years ago there. I went across the fields to our neighbour Sonny who was a great fella for a yarn. He was in sipping a whiskey and I was to talk to him bout the creameries. I thought he’d talk for ages. As soon as the tape started rolling, he clammed up. I turned it off after 15 minutes and cobbled together the transcription. I’d say he was dead within the year of the recording and fuck knows whatever became of it :slightly_frowning_face:


Yeah, it was with Maura that we did that, a marvelous woman.

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An absolute gem. Has helped me out on many the occasion over the years. I dropped her an email when she retired and got a lovely one back. She knew exactly where I was and what I was up to. A brilliant human being.

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