Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

That’s a lovely thing to find for you. You could get it transferred to a CD - would it be a nice thing for rest of family as a Christmas present this year.

Wife made herself a sandwich there and left it on the kitchen table. She went to the loo and the dog lept up on the chair and grabbed it.


You blemt the dog anyway

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Not guilty for a change.

Time to throw the dog through the television

Or the wife

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I’m still reeling from the abuse I received from you this morning, meanwhile the dog is allowed to ate at the table and your wife is free to make herself sandwiches willy nilly at the drop of a hat.

Where did you end up staying on your visit to Super Valu in Manorhamilton @iron_mike ?

Yeah, that sounds good, practice it q few more times and you’re probably sorted

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I was there on Friday boss. I came home Thursday and went up there Friday. Passed a few hours. In my game noone wants to see you after 2PM on a Friday so twas a grand stroll for me.

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And to make matters worse, I even cooked the dinner today. I’m terrible weak so I am

I owed her after the time I asked her if she wanted anything from the shop and she said no. I bought myself a bar of dairy milk and she ate 4 squares of it so she did

Some effing chattel she’s turned out to be

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You bought a Dairy Milk when you could have had a Chocolate Orange for free?

I get enough free chocolate kid

I’ll be passing through next weekend. I’ll drop in for a free box.

You’re very welcome to some. I must live in the only house in the country where the women are sick of Ferrero rocher

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I had my heart set on the Chocolate Orange.

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Cadbury cheap shit

Only Ferrero Rocher?