Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

You’ll be amazed in time, not all pop music is shit, and there are some top class artists around today. Those two Christina Perri songs are a good few years old but they’re lovely ballads, My wife once heard my eldest daughter aged 4 or 5 singing ‘you’re gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul’ and thought she made it up herself, she was always making songs up that time :man_shrugging:
On long car journeys we take turns, I’m trying to give them a musical education and three of them play instruments, sometimes they get it, they like the stone roses but can’t get the3 Smiths.
I personally think Taylor Swift is an incredible artist and i make no secret of that, ever since the Red album which was played to death in our house many years ago.
Embrace it, she’ll love you for it.


My fears confirmed.

I’ll just have to roll with it.

I’m with @backinatracksuit on this one. Just embrace it… Most of them are very talented and Miley Cyrus is as good a female act as there has been in years.

I can’t abide Arianna Grande though… She is stealing a living.


just cant bring myself to embrace any of those autotuned to death talentless fuckwits.

i am trying to educate her on truly talented singers so shes coming around slowly and surely, but still akss me whats my favourite bieber or de rulo song is

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Jason Derulo is a legend. I had the pleasure of hearing him interviewed by a local bog Radio station. I’m going to say Midlands 103, where Jason was telling the roaster that he had a girl in every city and yer man was in awe of him and couldn’t comprehend a wealthy pop star could have a social life better than heading to the Bridge House hotel.


Taylor Swift Red album is my latest vinyl purchase. It’s a fantastic record.


They’re on the fucking ball so far anyway.

Children asleep since 7.15pm, bottle of claret opened (cc @flattythehurdler), restaurant meal from Asador/Prado on the go for Mother’s Day weekend (cc @Juhniallio) and a big box of chocolate brownies in the fridge for later (cc @Thomas_Brady).


Well earned pal.
My little wan is above having a bit of diddy before she goes down herself. I’m supping an ale after a cracking burrito… It’s the little things pal.


Former British Cycling and Team Sky chief doctor Richard Freeman struck off | Sport | The Guardian

CC @flattythehurdler & @balbec

not unsurprising. the question is now does a “wronged” freeman start singing and if he does then wiggins may well get the review hes looking for but not his desired outcome


Rumor has it his silence has been oiled.

Someone must be stuck for a few quid


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You can’t spell pinarello without EPO




Saw this on the cesspit machine and thought it was brilliant. Exactly what children need after so much isolation

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