Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

That also saved his life. That’s some response time, where are you?

Birmingham. Pitch is very close to the hospital in fairness. Still some going.



I had to had to use one recently and it really highlighted the importance of having one close by. The catch in rural areas is getting an electrical connection and also ensuring they are serviced and checked regularly.

4 doctors, it most definitely wasnt that fellas time


Well done lad fair play to ye.


A good job it wasn’t 4 accountants anyhow. There’d have been arguments about methods and assorted issues as the life drained out of the poor man.


They only have been able to form an opinion if the poor chap told them he was having a heart attack.


They’d have sorted out the inheritance tax on the spot.

Thank fuck mate. glad to hear the chap survived

And checked his pockets for change while they were at it.

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He’s in ICU still I think but through the worst. I’ve a nice few cuts from smashing the defib box but the 4 medics who saved him are brilliant. Calmness personified. They’re the main reason he’s still here

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Was there a code on it?

The latest policy seems to be to leave them unlocked (without codes) even though you’re leaving them open to theft/damage.

Doesnt 999 open most of them?

No, it was smash the glass for the key then open it. It was in the dressing rooms which is a code to get in

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A scary experience I’d imagine. Wouldn’t have liked to be in your shoes. I’ve done defib course annually for the last good while. Easy on the course, different story in the real world.

I’ll be hinest, it’s only hitting home now. Yesterday was a bit mad. Obviously the lads took control and saved his life. But the few of us around were chatting to their team making sure they were okay. They’d 4 u18s playing their first hockey game ever so your making sure they are okay too trying to small talk them and reassure them. Weird sounds about disrespectful but it was. It was only on the WhatsApp group today were lads spoke about it.


I realise I’ve made fuck all sense here but in true form lads have got on with it. We’re the periphery but some of our 19/20 year olds saw something that they should never see and Bourneville experienced something no one should see. There’s plaudits and platitudes on Twitter but I hope every club involved takes time to chat about it. I’ll never forget his face when I delivered the defib.

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