In short order this morning the plumber came and fixed the heating exactly when he said he would. The girl in the Seagull bakery gave me an extra slice of cake because “they looked a bit small” and the neighbor told me he had put my bin in “to take the bare look off the house”.
I was watching Newsnight on BBC2 last night. She was being interviewed about some possible breakthrough in understanding ahhhhhhhh neurons, bosons, muons or some such. I didn’t understand a word of it but she’s beautiful!
They are. But I was in Monaghan until around 6 and its a good 3/4 hour drive home from there. If I was finished around 3, I’d have no problem but getting home around 10 and up again at 5 is a car crash waiting to happen,
Even roads you know are a different kettle of fish at night. I was driving the R684 the other night and started off with the thought that I knew every twist and turn on this road. Pretty soon I realised the fuck I did.