Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I don’t know. Seeing my tortoise in a kennel would have really upset me as a kid.


You have to be there with the smart answer.


The present moment is a wonderful moment.



Wonderful. Fair play to the parents of the deceased little boy who have set it all up.


Are these available yet? I know a young fella who is there at present and has a neighbour minding his dog.

We had them in to talk to our TYs. Link below:


No, work has just started.

Was reading about it this morning.

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Thinly veiled (I’m saddled with this fucking dog now for a fortnight) and me with enough hardships of me own….


It’ll probably cost 30 million.Great idea all the same,kids love their pets and seeing them will surely give them a much needed boost.

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Genuinely it’s great in theory, but

By the time it’s finished they’ll kick out all the pets and have hospital trolleys inside there

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It’s barking mad.

Is it pie in the sky or what?
Doesn’t seem to be crazy to me, and it’s something that would attract funding handily enough, seems like a lovely idea.

Well there’s the practicality of 24/7 professional care, insurance, infection risk, barking/noise, pets from the country being brought to an unfamiliar environment, ongoing running costs, other kids who don’t have pets, etc etc.
It would surely be cheaper and easier to run a pet taxi.
It’s a nice idea, but I can see it may create ongoing running problems.
I haven’t read the nitty gritty.

Paddy always looking for the problem

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The Nitty Gritty.

Families contact the charity, which then has the animals checked by vets to ensure they are up to date with vaccinations. The charity picks the pets up and transports them to the hospital, where the children will be able to have visits from the pets on an appointment basis. The animals will then return to the local Dublin Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA) facility, where they will be boarded overnight.

Doesn’t sound like they’re constructing kennels really. More a pet taxi system.
@balbec Elizabeth Holmes like here.

Elizabeth Holmes Theranos GIF

I would have expected a softer heart to overrule clinical economist on this one!

Think it’s a fantastic idea. Anyone who owns a dog and is down the doldrums can attest the mutt provides an unconditional outlet. No matter how shit a day you’ve had, the dog is there only too ready to lift spirits

Fantastic idea, make it happen

It sounded like they were building kennels on site. All I was saying was that I hoped there was long term planning in place. I didn’t mention the economics, I was more thinking of the logistics.
It sounds more like a taki service and an arrangement with the pound in any case.
Anyhow, as you were.