Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Puppy killer


He’s explaining now

Myself and another lad were swimming this morning. Met a French lady out walking her dog as we were coming out of the water. She actually used the phrase ‘ooh lah lah’ when talking to us!


The French phrase oh là là isn’t so much an expression as an interjection. It can indicate surprise, disappointment, commiseration, distress, or annoyance.

I’d say it was in relation to disappointment due to the cold.


I’ll go with surprise so. It had the feel of a ‘look at the pair of ye now swimming at 9am…aren’t ye great so ye are…’

A bit of shrinkage

Budgie smuggling they call it these days…

The other fella must be good looking

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He is. Fit as fuck too. But he’s from Wexford, so nobody has it all.

@Bandage didn’t log that swim with you on Strava at all.


Hopefully she gets an appropriate sentence and the lags take care of the rest

Out for a stroll with Juhy Junior in Santry demesne. Never been before but it’s a lovely park. Chanced upon a cross country 5 k race. Thought the front lads were bombing it, one African lad in particular. Turns out he won bronze at a Europeans before! Juhy Junior was well impressed. Great watch.


There’s a lovely Venezuelan couple who set up a coffee van at porto train station about 5/6 years ago. Lovely people, good craic, great coffee. Grown to 3 vans and the restaurant in the leisure centre. Some fuckers broke in and nicked their shit the other night. Coffee machine, stock, nearly everything. Someone set up a gofund me and they’ve got the guts of 7 and a half grand in 2 days! Good things happening out of bad.


The rotten robbing bastards aside, that’s a real feel good story.

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I had been in Italy many time before a woman said “Mamma Mia!” to me.

I burst out laughing at the good of it. She didn’t see the funny side. I had all my clothes on at the time.


That is a grand park that is underused. Gourmet food parlour is out the side gate and is good for coffee and lunch.


A noble van. They do a lovely sandwich.


I was in an Italian Restaurant in town with Mrs Barnes a few years ago. There was a stereotypical handsome young Italian waiter there flirting with all the women, and he took a particular shine to Mrs Barnes. Taking her coat, presenting the menu with a big dramatic flourish while all the time chattering away half in Italian and haof in English . All that type of aul guff. Anyway when we were leaving he made another big fuss putting on her coat and walking us to the door before calling ‘Ciao Bella’ after us as we walked away. 'What does that mean? I ask Mrs Barnes. She thought about it for a second before replying 'Go on you good thing!


Where’s Porto train station? No smart answers please.