Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

The wife?


Work cancelled, the sun belting in and its creeping way up the back garden these days. Gonna go for a cycle or a run.


There’s a fella busks in Limerick, he cannot sing at all, I mean tone deaf, and he doesn’t know the words of any song he sings. Not even close. Someone gave the cunt a bodhran now and the only thing should be bate off it is his head. But by God the confidence the man has is unbelievable. I have nothing but respect for him. He is either conpletely delusional or he just doesn’t give a shit. Either way. What a hero.


Famine cross Carrs hill
Great to see it lightning
Figure’s vary from 16k to 37K poor souls buried here
Way off the road but access is there

A mother’s love - she nearly exploded there


Is that Dave the small lad with a beard or the lad who is topless half the time?

It was the fella with the beard today. The other fella is as bad

Dave is a legend. Hes bad at juggling, tambourine and a few other things too. He cycles out to NCW to perform the odd Saturday too.

Funny you mention because I was out for a walk today, on my way into town to the markets etc when I saw a bike thrown on the ground opposite the main gates to Mary I with various bits of paraphernalia on the ground around it, anyway as I get closer Dave appears from behind a bush and sets himself up to continue the journey, as we’re walking up the road a bit he’s cycling in the middle of the road absolutely festooned with shit, but the funny thing is a little line of traffic is formed behind him , nobody is hooting or anything but Dave is turned around gesturing at them like they were, a real ‘character’
Spotted him ‘singing’ then on Chapel Street.
One f a kind, there’s power in the voice in fairness, a strong touch of staccato

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Rascal was telling me about one of his buddies today. Not sure where the little man’s parents are from but he had very little english when they started junior infants. They have a spelling test every Friday and the liylttle man struggled in the first one getting a score of one. Rascal said he was disappointed but his scores continued to improve and yesterday he finally got 10 out of 10. Principal brought him down to the office to give him a prize.


What class are they in?

Senior infants.

I’m sitting in the canteen in the Royal Northern College of Music, surrounded by the greatest musical talent in the country. It’s like any other uni campus only posher. I look at all these students wondering what they play and knowing that whatever it is, they must be absolutely brilliant at it.

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Edit, there’s a lass across the way waving two tricolours.

Any box players?

Is that where you are sending Junior?

Tom from Limerick possibly. The new box has emboldened him. Staying in Didsbury as well. How bad!!!

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Yeah right.

A friend of a friend cc @habanerocat @anon67715551