Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Has he still got the dogs? Good to hear he’s still performing and doing ok.

The Mrs helped him out years ago. A nice fella. Ended up getting a place to live around Rathkeale, not sure if he’s still there, but it was better than what he had prior to that.

All his life hed been building up to this moment only to have his dream snatched away. Delighted for the snivelling cunt


He definitely caught it from being with Johnson

Nice cartoon in the times today

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Sometimes art you don’t surprise me


I wasn’t expecting that. Absolutely incredible.

You wouldn’t be coming in after a feed of beer asking her why the dinner wasn’t on the table


She’s a nurse :flushed:


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Disregard bollocks about politics. That’s beautiful.

After he bloodies a few of their noses they mightn’t be quite as tactile. Watch that space.

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Watching it again there after a few pints. I cant stop crying

Haha can take the lad out of Ukraine, but…

its been a very long and hard slog for this poor woman but hopefully now she will get closure when she takes her daughter form the arms of the man who killed her. hopefully when theyre exhuming clarissa, theyll throw the murderers remains in the skip, where they belong

Not sure how you’d go on after that.

me neither, doesnt look she made a succession act application either. it seems that yerman’s relatives are cut from the same cloth