Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Yes, I like that film, though not as much as the full monty.
A good enough film that even Ewan McGregor couldn’t ruin it.

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Eight charity shops, three estate agents and a pizza express I’d reckon.

Fuck it everywhere is like that. You’ve to look above the shop facades.

Winchester is one of the nicest city centres I’ve ever seen once you lift your head

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Don’t forget the 4 bookies

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I know. It’s business rates have destroyed the towns, but successive governments care not a jot.
And cartels. Landlords leaving places empty rather than drop the rents.

And the obligatory Costa coffee.
Oh and Greggs.

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Miniature American flags for others.

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The English man at play is a funny animal.

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What a truly great country Ireland is. I had this message just now from my sister who has downs syndrome

“I have been promoted on my new job but I have to learn how to use a computer :computer: and I have to concentrate and focus love mxxx”


Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from her reply

“Thank you very much and it is very sad :cry: about the queen’s death :skull: I am feeling sorry for the royal family love Mxxx”


I heard “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” on the radio today.

What. A. Song.

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How Green Was My Valley is a stupendous book- that british subservience, defiance and pride all distilled into love, courage, dignity and sheer ugly bigotry. Welsh right enough, but shur…


It’s also a cracking movie with a young Roddy McDowell,I especially love the scene where the two lads land into the school and give the teacher a “boxing” lesson.


Reminds me of that night in the imperial when you boxed the ears off the local hero

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I was mugged off that night alright.

He’s lucky you didn’t kill him

Haven’t heard you mention her before flatty is she around your age? What kind of schooling/work did she have up to now? I had a cousin I was very close to with down syndrome (was actually a similar undefined condition) who died about 20 years ago when just becoming an adult.