Ye should have went to fuscos instead of donkeys. I was at the treaty cobh match this year, mostly young lads going having a bit of craic
Went there last time- Donkeys wins hands down
Fish was fab
Fastest service ever
Fuscos definitely nowadays has better chips.
Couldnt fault you on Donkey fords though mate as an away supporter.
Fish in Fuscos was one of those square yokes - frozen ones- and small
Whereas Donkeys supplied 2 decent battered bits of haddock
A square of cod is a big thing around Garryowen.
Fuscos have done well re that anyway for as long as I can remember.
Ohhhhhhh- well when in Rome I guess::::::
Took 3 hours nearly to get to Limerick
Fuckin one hour from Bishopstown to the tunnel
Another 35 m in Charleville
Probably best go by mitchelstown of a Friday with traffic
They do it or did it in a few Italian chipoers up n down the country
My kid told me similar— I never thought of it
Was a crash or similar near the tunnel- never saw traffic like it
Had they no cod?
And I’d a bowl of scampi before I left
Bit of a hound for fishy stuff
Kindly take all food rubbish posts/photos to the Ravenous thread.
You’ve already caused problems leading to the thread re-titling……
Mea culpa o honoured one
I know we’re all European now but there’s no need to go that far……
I’d a huge lash of sarcasm thrown in there mein herren
Could have been