Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Ye should have went to fuscos instead of donkeys. I was at the treaty cobh match this year, mostly young lads going having a bit of craic

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Went there last time- Donkeys wins hands down
Fish was fab
Fastest service ever

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Fuscos definitely nowadays has better chips.

Couldnt fault you on Donkey fords though mate as an away supporter.

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Fish in Fuscos was one of those square yokes - frozen ones- and small
Whereas Donkeys supplied 2 decent battered bits of haddock

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A square of cod is a big thing around Garryowen.

Fuscos have done well re that anyway for as long as I can remember.

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Ohhhhhhh- well when in Rome I guess::::::
Took 3 hours nearly to get to Limerick
Fuckin one hour from Bishopstown to the tunnel
Another 35 m in Charleville


Probably best go by mitchelstown of a Friday with traffic

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They do it or did it in a few Italian chipoers up n down the country

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My kid told me similar— I never thought of it

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Was a crash or similar near the tunnel- never saw traffic like it

Had they no cod?

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Tbh I’d have eaten cat at that stage
Just asked for

fish n chips

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And I’d a bowl of scampi :fried_shrimp: before I left

Bit of a hound for fishy stuff

Kindly take all food rubbish posts/photos to the Ravenous thread.
You’ve already caused problems leading to the thread re-titling……


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:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:Mea culpa o honoured one



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I know we’re all European now but there’s no need to go that far……:+1:

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I’d a huge lash of sarcasm thrown in there mein herren

Could have been