Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Nice ol prawn peeping through

That’s what they serve fresh in Fords, Haddock is fierce expensive.

You used to be able to ask for a cod or haddock fillet

not in the last 20 years, square of cod or fresh whiting has always been the menu since I’ve lived here

Cod is more expensive than haddock anyway

You used to be able to ask for a haddock fillet, there was no menu back then

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Or the dedicated Limerick Chipper thread


The square of Cod looks like a piece of plastic when it’s going in the frier

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It is, but the square of cod is much cheaper. It’s not fresh, more like a big fish finger.

No menu at all? that’s cool

They didn’t need one, fish and chips or sausage and chips


I knew lad that used to order “the menu” on a Friday evening. It consisted of fish, chip, burger, battered sausage and i think some sort of pie?


It’s a pastry pie, steak and kidney, they also do a batter burger, and two choices in the fish

Like keoghans in midleton. Sausage, fish, chips and a potato and onion pie.


Greedy devil-

Potato and onion pie :ok_hand:didn’t have one in years
Nice though

Prefer haddock- Chish n fibs Crosshaven normally put out a decent meal of it

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Quickest service in Ireland
Loads in / out vv quick in Donkeys

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It’s what you call a ‘pie’ in Cork chippers?

I prefer haddock tbh more meaty

Just saw this ye feckers😃