Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Definitely losing some of its lustre.

Mm uu mm


Also new season of Delhi Crime coming out.


I was at an event in the club yesterday celebrating all the captains for the last 50 years. All still with us bar one man who passed away in the last 12 months.


I just broke down crying

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Soon enough I think Madame sir.


The Last of us.

Petrol Mowers with electric starters.

Spring has sprung.

Mark it down @anon67715551

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I’d agree with you there. I’d be a fan in general and watch Cheltenham every year. Many friends of mine used to get involved in a once a year capacity, it’d be on in the office and I’d notice plenty of talk about it. This year there was barely a whisper about it outside the horse fraternity. The general public don’t care about it anymore. It’s dying

Years ago everyone would have known about Dawn Run and Desert Orchid. I’d suspect 99% of the general populace wouldn’t be able to tell you who won the Gold Cup this year.


Yeah even more recently istabraq kauto star even the likes of beef or salmon were generally well known. The jockeys too with ruby etc. It’s a very strange one. Nothing has really changed its not like young lads playing on playstations or the split season can even be blamed.

That’s the way it’s gone now as they say. In 2 words - By God.

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More people go to Cheltenham now for the coke fest rather than pinting and doing yer bollocks on horses.

Dawn Run, Wayward Lad, Run n’skip, forgive and forget

I’d say 75% of the public couldn’t name a current racehorse,

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Is Blackmore the name of a horse?

Once Noel Reid RIP was gone from RTE the interest started to die off.

Horses used to have names you could remember. Red Rum. West Tip. Durham Edition. Bonanza Boy. Have A Barney. Mr. Mulligan. Viking Flagship. Docklands Express. Remittance Man. Waterloo Boy. Galmoy. Florida Pearl. Best Mate.

Now it’s all Pencilfuloflead and Numbersixvalverde and Ayteenletrsaloud and Dubnobasswithmyheadman and Minella Times and Minella Rocco and Minella Rococco and Minella Schminella.

Ridiculous names like Istabraq and Sinndar and Hors La Loi III and Bindaree should have been a harbinger of things to come, a harbinger of a world of faceless Coneygrees and Energumemes and Valubans and A Plus Tards.

The names of horses now are like the names of property development companies during the Celtic Tiger.

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