Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Ya IPTV works a dream on it, zoom calls can be a bit jumpy but no issues otherwise


Only point I’d add, is to get the additional Ethernet adaptor so you could add a mesh system with it. No Ethernet ports on the starlink router


If this one of those IFA initiatives?

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Surely a grant available?

A router with no Ethernet ports?

Yes, the cable from the dish comes in but is a specific starlink connection, not an Ethernet connection, and no Ethernet ports on router so just for wifi


60% TAMS2 grant
20% discount negotiated by IFA with Elon
Tax deductable

What a time to be alive!

Work from home allowance

In the queue in Aldi there with a few pouches of dog food and two bags of chicken twists for the dogs. The fellow in front of me had a trolley that would feed a family for a fortnight. He waved me through. Sound skin. I often do that but I don’t always get the favour in return.


I recall being in my local supermarket with a very modest basket and the contents on the belt.

A lady came from behind with not much less items and said ‘you don’t mind if I go ahead of you’ and without waiting for an answer gave her contents direct to the cashier.

Some people.

He probably had a load of hungry snappers at home and was in no rush back.

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She was probably rushing home to watch Fair City.

I’d never be buying enough in Lidl or aldi to let anyone ahead but would be very grateful when told to jump ahead.
Apparently when a new till opens it’s the mannerly thing to let people ahead of you in your queue to get prime position at new till even if you’re the closest to the new till lane.

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No tonight they announced they were opening till 7 and some cunt in a Trilby who was at the back of the queue for till 2 legged to get there ahead of everyone else. Of course it took a fucking age to get a store assistant at till 7 and we were all out ahead of him and looking at the cunt seething.


I’ve been in LIDL and Aldi literally thousands of times and I’ve never seen anybody in a trilby, mad to think that there was two of them on the peninsula tonight silently fuming at each other :man_shrugging:


Picking the correct lane in Aldi is serious business. All sorts of variables to be considered… Contents of trolleys, gender and age of queuer, joviality of store assistant…


I don’t possess a Trilby. I have two fedoras and a Panama however.


You’d want to be right at the back to move queue. You could be ages waiting for whoever is after getting told to finish up their break and fuck off back to the till

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Was in aldi last week and had 3 items. There was an older woman and her daughter ahead of me and 2 lots of items on the belt. The first lot of stuff was being rung thru and when finished i thought the next lot was for one of them. But they walked off. The guy at the till asked was that stuff mine. I said no and was about to pick my things up and give them to him to put thru. All of a sudden a couple and their child came running up saying “sorry, sorry” burst through to the front and started piling even more shit onto their already large pile of shopping items. They had joined a queue and loaded up the belt, then both fucked off and got even more stuff, basically using their stuff to keep their spot in the queue. Mugged fucking right off i was.


I always follow the advice of Apu in the Simpsons. Find the queue with the most young single males. The way they fuck the shopping through you want someone who is ready to go to get not one of these fuckers who only starts getting their bags out when the shopping is already been scanned.

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