Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I always do that myself and would regularly have the favour returned. It’s a lovely little interaction with strangers. Get told to “go on ahead of me there”. Then you should always say "Are you sure? ". “Yeah yeah on you go” is the stock response. Effusive thanks as you skip by them and then crucially a smiley nod and thanks again after you’ve paid and about to leave. It’s the little things really.


One of the great things about working from couch is that it slows the pace of life right down. I’m rarely in a rush these days. It makes life a lot more pleasant.

You certainly get a lot of that reciprocal behaviour in the Lidls and Aldis of the world. I suppose the places with self checkouts don’t require it as much.

It seems exclusively an Aldi or Lidl thing. Not sure I’ve ever seen it in the Tescos or Super Valus

Do you not miss the bit of craic with your work colleagues at all?

I find going in a couple of days a week makes you appreciate the other three days more.

Full time WFH isnt healthy really longterm. In my opinion anyway.

Honestly. No. I’m still playing the bit of sport. I get my craic from that. Be a different story in your 20s. But I’ve enough friends at this stage of my life.

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Thinly veiled “I earn more than Bill Cullen and Jackie Lavin” comment.

Ah fair enough. You’d certainly have a different view if you were in your 20’s.

Depends where you work in fairness too. I do like getting out of the house though. At home 5 days a week constantly would drive me mad.

Ya I go for a walk in the evenings just to get out for a while, if I haven’t a match or training or a few pints lined up.
You would crack if you weren’t playing sport or something.
I just love the extra time it gives you back from not commuting, or to do a few bits around the house etc. If you need a job done you never need to worry about taking time off to let them in or anything.
Young one is sick this week. Chicken pox. Disaster. But I don’t need to take time off, we can manage. Same if you are a bit sick. You can plug away when you are at home. Tis savage handy

Also if we are going to herselfs parents for the weekend or something we can head away Friday lunchtime and be above there and tip away at a few emails Friday afternoon. No rushing to get kids in bed etc


I don’t get it all man. The thoughts of spending 20 hours a day or more in my gaff 5 days a week for the foreseeable would fill me with dread. I like the 1 or 2 days a week wfh but 5 days would drive me crazy. Different if you have kids I suppose maybe but I still like being out of the house.

How long would commuting take in Limerick? 10-15 minutes

Sure you can go for a stroll for an hour at lunchtime etc. I don’t know, maybe I’m odd. It suits me down to the ground


I’d say most people here do as they’re stony broke

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Depends. I was commuting to UL side from the other side. Might be 20 to 30 mins in the morning, but it was a disaster in the evenings. University and all the factories emptying out at the same time. You could be 20 minutes getting out of the car park. 40 to 50 mins home would be standard enough without any major disruption. Easily an hour a day of my life back. 5 hours a week. 200 plus hours a year. At an 8 hour working day that’s 25 plus days a year back. Or literally 8 full days of your life a year


Plus saving a fortune on lunch because I’d be too lazy to bring one with me most days


The archetypal solid, veteran club corner back. Trains ‘most’ evenings, available for selection at all times and manages to squeeze in pints 3 nights a week. Known to all club officials and supporters as a solid lad, automatic selection and a great clubman. His retirement will be a terrible loss……


At this stage it’s always available rarely selected :joy:

7 tills jaaaysus

No I’d say you’re in the majority if my office is anything to go by anyway, about 75% of people just don’t come in even though there is a soft mandate to be in at least 2 or 3 days a week since last October. I just don’t get it myself, I like the interactions and being in town but many others don’t.