Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

In the Telegraph he was a hero who was trying to prevent flooding :man_shrugging:t5:


Shes away with her sisters. Theyll have a great time. Me and the brothers in law will throw all the kids together and let them run the show. We’ll have a beer or two…

Post in exactly 24 hours time please :beers:

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A year in jail.and a 1.2 million fine will learn the cnut. He is a prototype telegraph reader mind. I’m surprised they didn’t call him a hero for shoring up defences to small boats.

Batman Forever. Just so fucking ridiculous that it’s right

Nicole Kidman is :fire::fire::fire: in that

Your aul ma or your da confessing something innocent to ya from their teenage years or 20’s or that after being on the beer with them. I realise lads that a few of ya’s have lost your ma and da’s. Sorry, but it’s something that I’m swallowed in here :smiling_face_with_tear:


Hurling championship Sundays. Ennis yesterday


But the split season etc etc

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Fair play, you took finding out you were a mistake well


Catholic ireland mate. He wasnt a mistake he was a welcome surprise.


If it wasn’t for Pirlo they’d never have married

That’d be hard.

Being that they’re 40 years older than me. Eldest was probably sure.

A taxi driver informed me on the trip home last Friday night that he was going to his sister’s 80th birthday on the Saturday night. He said he was 58.

He was the youngest of a family of 14. 22 years in the difference between him and the sister.

Good old Catholic Ireland.


There’s about 20 of the Foley’s in Kinlough.Gareth the footballers father,but he was married twice.First wife passed away iirc

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The return of the inflight breakfast on Aer Lingus European morning flights. Tremendous fare


The smell of em would turn your stomach :nauseated_face:


No way man

Nicely done mate.

You let everyone know that, not only are you a business person on an early Aer Lingus flight to Europe but that you’re a regular on such flights as you have noticed the return of the breakfast.
