Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Both barrels :clap::clap::clap:

You were raging kid. But fair play you deserve the pint in peace

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It’s temple bar like

Ten euro a pint and some chancer rocks up looking for change. Twas only going to end badly.

Horrible man.


If you were enjoying a quiet beer and a god botherer came up to tell you that you were going to hell, you wouldn’t react like that man?

No. I’d be polite. He was an ignorant pig.


All the series of Frankie Boyle’s new world order on YouTube.

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His novel is very good


I haven’t read it yet. I’d say he’d be a decent author. Read his kind of autobiography years ago. Hilarious!

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Seems harsh

Cowardly punches from behind should be appropriately punished, as should assaults on refs, the sentence was veering on lenient

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If ye want to know what true love looks like, this is it. Two legends!!


Just back from the bog after turning turf. Such a tranquil place, no better place to clear the head. Nature in its abundance this evening, the deer amble and graze while crossing the banks to settle in shelter for the night, a pine marten on the prowl and a pair of pheasants, a cock and hen together which I haven’t seen in a while. Didn’t hear the cuckoo yet


Cuckoo around here a fortnight or more. The bog :rage: Midges, hunger, thirst, stooping, heat, hardship…


It’s about the timing. Early morning before the heat. Use the day to straighten out. Down in the evening as it cools, out before those bastard midges rise. Love it…

Edit, but yea I remember hardship. The banks weren’t always so great. There was 1 year so bad we had to resort back to the donkey and cart. Poor Neddie went to his bollix and the shafts level with the bank and the creels barely full :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: prayers were said :speak_no_evil::smile: good times


We’ve all been there :hot_face: We all had the ubiquitous Neddie who probably hated it as much as me.

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Did everyone have a donkey called Ned(dy)? My grandfather did as well. There was no point in getting too clever with the names I suppose. I hated the bog growing up as the midges ate me alive. I didn’t mind the work. Before they developed a real taste for my blood, I remember going home after a day up on top of the trailer and the mother introducing what became my favourite meal for years - bacon and cabbage. Innocent times Boxty